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Distorted Dimensions (II)

Distorted Dimensions (II) - Finally reemerged from two days of snow removal! Welcome back to my blog! - Shortly after this year's Grammy Awards, a bunch of people was publicly quite candidly discussing one of the super star's scanty outfits and whether it was appropriate at all for an event like that. A renowned news anchor and weather guy somehow put it like that: "I really like her as an artist, but I've got to say I disapprove of her attire with regard to it being a televised family event." I felt like applauding him for he is absolutely right! We are all nothing but hypocrites! On the one hand, we try to teach our kids morals and tell them not to run around like bums, sluts and losers. On the other hand, however, we condone today's female pop stars as they are childishly competing with one another attempting to outdo and top each other as far as picking even scantier outfits. What is this, a peep show, an intentional sexual stimulant, an invitation to join the adult world of porn or what? Girls look up to those stars and will want to look and act just alike. However, since not every girl is automatically super skinny, lots of them may hence fall victim to anorexia, bulimia and other serious eating disorders. What's more, the publicly displayed dress codes will also be copied down to a T together with this latest stupid, yet hot trend of twerking. "Money makes the world go round" is an old saying which achieves plenty of support by another immoral but true statement which goes like "Sex sells". Who does sex primarily sell to though should not be disregarded. Males. Sure, who else would want to see half naked and provokingly slithering female bodies? You really think, women, kids and old folks need to, let alone want to see that? Back to the immature and likely self- conscious and insecure girls that dream of becoming like their idols. Dressed and made up like little sirens, but appearing like little whores at best, I dare predict that by sending out the wrong signals they WILL consequently attract the wrong kind of guys, males that either misinterpret those false signs for a an easy free ride or prey on their victims anyway because they are mentally deranged or perverted.
Fake indications often lead to traumatic reactions such as rape, a crime either individually inflicted or multiply committed by so called gang- bangers. In fact, it's never the apparel alone, though but usually the combination of several "favorable" factors that leads to an uncalled outcome like that. Seriously, what do expect from someone who joins anonymous mega parties where hundreds of teens and twens get on drinking and drugging binges and hangs out there with less on than just a bikini top and hot pants plus twerks around like a pole dancer? We, the grown- ups, should tell our off- spring to cut that crap out and dress much better than what their idols present on national TV? Good luck, if you really think that does the trick! Maybe turning off the boob tube will do then? No chance with all the social media, cell phones and pics generously shared among their pals. Perhaps you think that by moving away from urban centers this problem can be solved? Nope, I don't think so because by now the Internet has forced its way even into the most remote areas. Okay, what now if apparently nothing else keeps our gils away from such fatefully destructive ways? Right, we'd rather bravely address the main source, meaning we ought to bluntly approach some of those super stars that are in fact directly responsible for such fads and trends to be taken over and spread. This, at least, feels like the right kind of step to take, but then again, you've got a better chance hearing a tree fall somewhere in the woods than seeing this sex- selling and money- making mill ever stopped from rotating. Knowing that no earthly effort will be effective any time soon as to change this sinful state of Sodom and Gomorrah par excellence saddens me deeply. The question, "Why was she raped?" used to be a rather innocent one following a crime nobody really deliberately provoked, let alone fully understood. Looking at the presently minimal ways of clothing for public performances, though, challenges the whole concept of sexuality. By making it look dirty, all those girls who are adapting to this style, will inevitably bring upon themselves lots and lots of unnecessary issues. God help us! 


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