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TV- Commercial Terror  I remember sitting with my folks in Austria last year and watching TV.
After the third 2- minute block of commercials within an hour and a half perhaps, my mother was complaining about being swamped with too many ads. I was laughing thinking to myself, 'If you only knew what it's like on the North American continent, you would eat your words instantaneously.' What a craze this is here for real! I personally take it the way it is as there seems to be nothing at all that I could change unless, of course, I quit watching TV altogether. What bothers me though, why do we have to deal with this numbing flood of repetitive brain- washing commercials when we are to pay so much a month? Wasn't the original idea of inserting rather embedding commercials such to generate enough financial means to carry itself self- sufficiently? If I have to pay 30 or 40 bucks a month for TV, shouldn't I at least be given the opportunity to opt out of commercials? You are darn right, I most certainly should have a say here as to whether I prefer to watch commercials or not. Plain and simple, right? The only option as far as almost ad- free TV I presently have is to go to a channel that offers re- runs, shows that you missed or just would like to see again. Those episodes are usually edited which means they run commercial free. So are DVDs, but purchasing these can be quite costly at times. Sure, there is still the most radical option of all which is not watching any more TV. Don't get me wrong, even though I have met quite an impressive number of people who swear that they have never felt any better ever since they decided to keep their TVs shut off, this is just not my cup of tea. I do respect people's choices, but I love watching TV in moderation. No doubt, without commercials I would definitely enjoy it a lot more, but again there's not really much I can do about that but get up and find something to do for a few minutes every other five or ten minutes.
Yes, you are reading correctly, a supposedly 60- minute show usually splits up in 40 minutes of actual show time and 20 minutes of commercials. Sometimes the ratio is even worse than that. Needless to say, it is rather aggravating having to put up with so many breaks within a short time frame. What ticks me off entirely is the fact that 90% of all those commercials are qualitatively poor and partly borderline retarded. Seemingly not enough, the same blocks of top idiot ads are stubbornly aired over and over again often multiple times in a row. Funny or witty inserts are unfortunately rare as such might clearly cheer up millions of regular viewers. No, instead we are continuously bombarded with tons of useless car commercials, equally as many pointless food ads and still too numerous attempts to sell us even more meds than we could possibly ever use. Just ridiculous! I am most probably not the only one here waiting for the revolutionary novelty option of blocking commercials before they come on. Whoever invents such a miracle button for our future remote controls will be a true hero!


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