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The Devil In Sheep's Clothing (II)

The Devil In Sheep's Clothing (II) - Step two in Debbie McDaniel's article reads as follows:
Know the real, and you'll know the fake, too. This is supported by the following biblical words,
"You will recognize them by their fruits.[...]" Matthew 7:16. - Well, now that the peoples throughout Europe are beginning to get a bitter taste of the medicine administered to them, the EU is more than ever showing their true colors in a most blatant fashion. In my opinion, the fruits in question are herewith long overdue to be picked at last. By now, we deem their taste as way too unpleasant and too dissatisfying to blindly continue enjoying them. On the other hand, though, we perfectly understand the necessity, or rather the urgency of their swift removal for the sake of saving the rest of the Tree of Prosperity from rotting as well. I feel safe claiming that most of us are neither racists nor Neo- Nazis. This sort of recklessly thoughtless and generalizing labeling of the collective is actually quite offensive, if you think about it. Just a little reminder to the oh, so literate liberal- minded folks out there: Racism does not stand any comparison to ideological differences and their awareness. It definitely doesn't surprise me that lots of those so- called "refugees" and other migrants keep tooting that specific horn, but what really bothers me is that this idiotic classification actually comes from our very own. Metastasizing from the core of our highly developed western societies right to their fringes, this form of deliberately sought division just keeps on festering towards our ultimate decay. Consequently, we are now fighting on two fronts simultaneously, although the source of aggravation is easily traceable back to the political establishment. The matter of fact is, liberal heads have the say, globally speaking, since they share 97% of our all wealth among themselves. The foot soldiers - they keep recruiting at their leisure and they monetarily sufficiently subsidize - are millions if not billions of self- proclaimed lefties. Very much like perfectly- conditioned parrots, they just love to chime in and regurgitate any catchy slogans in a mantra- like manner without giving them much subjective reflection - due to an overall lack of grasp as far as the true essence of the actual circumstances or facts. Why I am elaborating on that in particular, and why I am harboring on those people's naiveté is simply pointed out in one plain statement. This is just part of the very same fruits' composition and growth. The ones pulling the strings need to make sure that Europe's peoples are not just flanked externally but at the same time confronted with ambushing adversarial forces from within. Their prime goal is to distract, disrupt and ultimately destroy us. This internal enemy push makes it much more difficult for us to merely focus on the outer borders which are meanwhile invaded by overall narrow- minded foreign cultures and hostile ideologies. Step 3: - Know God's word and you will know when it's being twisted and manipulated. - "For even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. [...]" 2 Cor. 11:14- 15. - Again, objecting to an ideology which is not only alien to us but which sadly also openly opposes ours is in no way, shape or form to be interpreted as just a racial dispute. Bear in mind, Europeans have been all too familiar with foreign influences for thousands of years as a result of their multi- cultural history. However, if primal primitives suddenly flood our open- minded societies with the intention of forcing upon us their BC Sharia laws and gradually converting us all to the Islamic faith, we are quite understandably not willing to go along with that. Yes, within the last 50 years, the number of Christians throughout Europe has undoubtedly been dwindling down to an all- time low quite possibly as an answer to all those countless sexual abuse cases and other scandals on part of the Roman Catholic Church. However, this does not automatically translate to our readiness with regard to accepting any other denomination in its place! After all, most of us are still Christians, and the point is that we firmly reject to be Islamized. If those high and mighty EU- politicians actually meant what they were saying and were truly about repopulation in the first place, why would they not send us more compatible peoples? Why does it have to be uneducated and unprogressive nations with nothing at all to offer for a potentially fruitful cooperation? - More next week.


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