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The Law Of Attraction Versus Repulsion (III)

The Law Of Attraction Versus Repulsion (III) - "You are what you attract [and repulse] and vice versa." This I was once told by one of my valuable longtime mentors. You see, I could just not resist adding that insertion, though for the simple reason that wherever there is attraction, there naturally must be occurring repulsion, too - according to the earthly principle of duality. - All right, what does this signify in particular? Considering myself a unique but nonetheless fairly unspectacular mixture of both positive and negative, I am constantly mirrored such to a fairly equal extent. Whether I like this or not ultimately manifests itself on an entirely different page. I am certain you have you noticed the underlining of the word "and". As a matter of fact, two opposites do not always necessarily have to exclude but may very well and actually tend to quite frequently include or rather complement one another. That's the true beauty in regards to the profound complexity of human psychology. Just join me on a brief thought endeavor outside the box. If I allow the scale to increasingly tip to the negative and at the same time further away from the positive, I shall encounter about the very same if not the identical mindset in others within my immediate environment. Okay, by me gravitating towards the less favorable pole, I will naturally attract alike while simultaneously repulsing the exact contrary, the positive. Am I automatically "notified"about that change of direction? Well, luckily, I have learnt to raise my level of awareness to the point of becoming correspondingly alarmed. So, in that sense, yes, I do get the memo, and what's more, it rarely passes unnoticed. Whether I like the sensation of knowingly causing more of those unsettling ripples? No, of course not, but would I be roaming around as a still mediocre soul myself had I finally mastered that specific crux? Anyway, in that incredibly dense because multi- layered interplay of "pulling" and "pushing" such as beautifully demonstrated in martial arts forms like Tai Chi, for instance, we all too paradoxically not just either pull close or push away but equally draw AND repel as well. I may easily find myself tricked into assuming that I am rejected by both certain situations and people when in reality it is I who virtually refuses to accept the good mirrored by my opposite but instead prefer to stubbornly focus on the negative. And now listen to that: This is usually all that I basically disapprove of entirely! Blindspots all those subconsciously dumped negative behaviors are professionally referred to in psychology. You may wonder why up to this point I have not yet explicitly mentioned the position of the soul in all of that? Well, in fact, the time was just not right for that yet. Although our souls reincarnate for the primary purpose of persistently sticking to learning, correcting and lastly advancing on most specific and self- determined Karmic lessons through our five physical senses, their ultimate mission consists in putting their co- partners both in check and in place. Our Egos have an all too narcissistic tendency when it comes to blowing out of any reasonable proportions. So the soul's force entails in showing its curtailing effect on the individual soul should it stray. Since duality is deeply engrained even there, underdeveloped and inferior egos are often in acute need of being vamped up and boosted which is also performed by the soul. From that perspective, the perception of repulsion, rejection, negation, denial, etc.- even though clearly counterparts, antagonists or shadow sides of attraction, acceptance or tolerance - ultimately reveals itself being nothing but a fractured and blinding illusion created out of the sentiment of separation from the yin and yang based wholeness. Last but not least, this leads me right back to my opening statement of man being precisely what he attracts and repulses.


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