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Law Of Attraction Versus Repulsion (II)

Law Of Attraction Versus Repulsion (II) - Hello back to my blog! - As I am about to continue elaborating on the nature of the law of attraction and repulsion, respectively, Karma is once more making its inescapable presence felt most clearly in places like Texas and Bangladesh. What appears to indisputably be of most repulsive character in those particular cases is sadly compensatively and furthermore all too clearly a pure act of attraction rather. Bear in mind that Karma does not put any sentiments into its realigning missions ever but instead strictly follows either the preceding positive or negative. Quite right, this kind of group Karma undoubtedly ranks on a collective scale. And yes, agreed, nothing feels more frustrating as far as not getting obviously simple questions answered to one's satisfaction such as: "Why on earth would God ever allow such natural disasters to happen to mostly innocent folks?" This is basically what I keep hearing over and over again especially these days. I tell you what. Why don't I just try to illustrate the nature of this beast with the help of a completely diverse example, and you consequently judge for yourselves? I would, however, like to stress the circumstance of this merely being the tip of the proverbial iceberg due to that shroud of amnesia we all fall prey to after every single completed lifetime. Alright then, just for an instant, I am asking you to shift your attention to former Nazi Germany with their unspeakably evil henchmen who would go about ethnic cleansing as well as warfare in general mainly against the weakest and most innocent, the women and children, in scarily similar ways as those unbelievably backward, utterly barbaric and radicalized mutants of the Islamic faith are presently displaying as they are populating and soon also going to terrorize that very specific nation. Rather self- explanatorily, the majority of the German people from back then is long gone by now- mind you, physically. At soul- level, though, they have never perished or ceased to ever exist but instead carried on with their unique Karmic journeys. Meanwhile most of them have reincarnated as an entire nation, very possibly as Germans again, but who knows for sure at this point? Should you wonder about the type of lesson taught here, well, quite understandably, those "perpetrator" souls sought a fair chance of balance, compensation, realignment or whatever else you want to name it. The purpose of this Karmic exercise is all about learning what it is like to end up being the victim this time around. - Now, let me finally return to my admittedly very personal perception of the law of attraction versus repulsion. First and foremost, at all times, each and everyone of us - without any exception - attracts what we require temporarily and what I would preferably call very much alike in terms of produced re- actions. No doubt, we may feel differently affiliated to the same kind of people, occupations, values, etc. but since it is all about free choice regardless of whether we ultimately deal with actions or reactions, the results must logically vary. Anyway, at the very end of the day, we just have to accept the consequences of all of our input and outcome as well as the fact that we attract mirror images of both our individual triumphs and shortcomings. Nothing more, nothing less, bottom line. The deceiving impression of facing repulsion is in itself nothing but a mere illusion which tends to ruffle feathers with just too many of us since we just love to fall for that sort of ambushing trap our inflated egos create time and time again. Thus, if we consider ourselves pushed aside, repelled, ousted, repulsed, etc. either by someone or something, we had better zoom in on what we currently actually attract. - Please, stay tuned for more to come.


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