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Knowledge IS Power (III)

Knowledge IS Power (III) - Hi everyone! - Well, as we have established so far, Leptin and Ghrelin are antagonistically operating hormones which naturally regulate our energy household by alternately inhibiting and enforcing hunger. However, since plenty of foods offered nowadays are no longer processed naturally, this delicate balance is easily disrupted and what's even worse, works out of synch with our brain. Once Ghrelin gets the upper hand, Leptin becomes powerless which results in our bodies being tricked into assuming that we are really hungry again or rather still and hence need more of the same nutritionally rather worthless foods when in reality this could not be farther from the truth. Remember what I told you a couple of weeks ago about the food industry playing right into the hands of the drug/ pharmaceutical companies? In this sense, you may very well suppose that especially those types of foods were meticulously designed and are sold with a rather specific intention behind. The more we consume of that generally affordable and easily accessible garbage, the fatter and consequently the sicker we will eventually become. This merely being a matter of time, at some point, most of us will rather predictably need medical care on all kinds of different levels. They, who laugh last, laugh best. Quite simple, isn't it? Believe me, it does no longer matter where we live, in a socialist or in a capitalist country. Doctors here are basically rewarded according to the volume of actively prescribed medication as well as suggested and performed (super costly) medical procedures. In contrast, wherever healthcare is universally free, their colleagues are remunerated correspondingly to the number of patients they have ultimately healed. Regardless of what the actual incentive and consequential approach turns out to be, doctors and nurses here and elsewhere simply want to hold on to their jobs just as eagerly as pharma reps, lab scientists and personell within the food industry. - Before change can actually be successfully topicalized on a nutritional level, first and foremost, our overall mentality towards food requires serious modification. We humans do most certainly not stand the absurd comparison to some random car servicing overhaul. The general belief in this country is unfortunately still rooted way too much in this fairytale- like mindset. Especially within the last 50 years, the medical field has indisputably progressed immensely on a global scale, but to automatically presume that more or less any ailment can be fixed like a flat tire is downright ignorant, careless and above all risky. There are sadly no free passes for a clean bill of health just because hundreds of medicaments may promise absolution for longstanding abuse through poor or malnutrition, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Nicotine as well as other narcotic substances should not be mentioned in one and the same breath along with foods but definitely need to be tackled separately for different reasons. As a matter of fact, the dependency to food is a naturally given circumstance we simply cannot evade. We need to feed ourselves on a more or less regular base in order to maintain our bodily functions. Nonetheless, the awareness of the Satanic manipulation regarding food might well come to you as an absolute shock at first but should definitely reveal itself as a blessing in disguise on second thought. Knowing the beast you are dealing with will facilitate your strategizing moves on your way to ultimately combatting and slaying it. As soon as you begin to consciously take matters into your own hands rather than allowing to be continuously dictated what to eat and how much of it, you won't ever be able to "un- think" what you have learnt. Hopefully, you will instead courageously keep putting one foot in front of the other and become ever the more undeterred on your personal quest for truth. And don't worry if you fall off the bandwagon which you inevitably will because we all do time and time again. Just take the first few steps on your journey and the rest will follow. - Let me be of help and show you how the next time.  


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