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Wrong Signals And Depreciation: Bureaucracy (1)  Welcome back to my blog! - The US- bureaucracy is a giant beast which has become extremely counter- productive and executively entirely untameable. Whenever possible, you might want to stay as far away from it as you can. In times where toddlers more or less have a clue about their parents' cells, PCs and other fancy electronic gadgets, you might think that the countless differing levels within this large bureaucratic body are automatically linked and thus have access to sensible information of all kinds. Quite shockingly, this does not seem to be the case at all! Just to give you a fairly ridiculous example of lacking net- work based exchange of important key data. My bother- in- law is attempting to get his driver's license back but is, as you are reading this, facing gazillions of stupid and unnecessary obstacles, which could just be cleared with a few simple mouse- clicks but as a matter of fact turns out to be another senseless waste of money. Regardless of why he lost his license 18 years ago, his DWI charges are allegedly long gone, which means there shouldn't be much more in his way except for an old traffic violation dating back even longer than that. Shouldn't it consequently just be a walk in the park to apply for his license again?
No, it's not. On the contrary, it's actually quite complicated. This is how the whole dilemma started.
My husband's brother refused to pay child support for his two girls back then, whereupon his license was revoked. It would have been removed anyway with or without his DWIs. Now, after years of paying child support on and off, he wants his license back but has to deal with the fact that both child support as well as the DWI charges are dealt with by two different counties due to the nature of circumstances. However, as each and every county executes matters differently, one has released paperwork for reapplication in a fairly uncomplicated manner, the other one though is not just holding back undisclosed files but is clearly and intentionally creating more obstacles along the way and meanwhile generating more costs. WTF is right! I suspect they actually do not want you to succeed but rather focus on robbing you blind instead. What's the purpose of inhibiting, delaying, detouring and in the end maybe even dismissing applications? The best is yet to come. With regular child support payments, I would anticipate that one's license should automatically be reinstated after a while, but it is not. If they take your license away just like that, they should hand it out to you again just as easily, right? Wrong! The counties do not even talk to one another, let alone wish to acquire information of each other. Well, if this is not a scandal, I don't know what else is. We are talking about a driver's license which in my opinion ought not to be taken away due to child support issues, to begin with! Totally wrong priority, if you ask me! Instead DWIs should on no account be dropped, erased or pardoned after a certain period of time. A dead- beat father will most unlikely cause a fatal accident, a registered drunk, on the other hand, has a great potential to become lethal, so where is the logic here?
Another example: As far as immigration matters, many times one hand does not know what the other one does. At your local immigration center you are told one thing, but once your file crosses the state line, you're often required to resubmit different paperwork! Sure enough, you will not be granted a discount just because you've got to unnecessarily repeat or renew certain steps twice or even three times. I'm telling you, just ridiculous! Wouldn't it be easier to just cut to the chase, avoid all those stupid by- ways and reduce manifold contradictive regulations to a reasonable and manageable minimum? This way billions of dollars could be saved easily, administrative clerks would finally be able to breathe again, and we, the applicants would see the finish line sooner with less stress altogether.


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