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Wrong Signals And Depreciation (2): Welfare  A snowy Hello from Upstate NY! - Just like with taxes, the topic welfare is one that needs to be addressed over and over again as from a socio- economic point of view, the US- welfare system is just as much a crutch and ultimately a pivotal point as taxes. Initially well intended, both have been mutating under unscrupulousness and corruption. Having consequently started to backfire on both ends, these two major pillars of society will tumble, fall and crumble only to make space for a new world order. However, until then there is still some time left, and so in the meantime we are all invited to take a front row seat and watch the spectacle climax and fail first- hand. - I'm not kidding when I say that I'm meeting more people these days that are one way or another part of or affiliated with someone on welfare. This being said, I try not to be automatically trapped by the common cliché that welfare recipients are mainly found among paupers and blue- collar workers even though, sadly enough, it's the truth. Thousands of folks poorly educated for reasons of ethnicity or other social facts are carried along in a system which intention it is still to help the less fortunate ones get back on track through temporary aid such as housing, medical, food stamps, and generous monthly allowances. Forgive my absence of political correctness for wanting to fall back on what is merely a statistically truthful fact, but the vast majority of those collecting welfare benefits are black folks. Again, I truly want to ignore commonly local racist comments like, that's only because they just don't want to work, period. Instead I would rather prefer to go into the depth of this fact- based issue. I personally believe that if the large field of education finally underwent a 360 degree reform in this country, and much more focus was spent on teaching all races equally well, these staggering numbers of unemployment and welfare users especially among Afro- Americans would dwindle impressively fast. As good as the raw and basic concept was, as badly it has (been) turned into a haven of corruption, foul play and manipulation over time. Way too many work- reluctant folks have found enough loop- holes to get on welfare only to trick and con the system, in some cases even multiple times. Welfare without all that fraud intertwined might quite likely have reached the breaking point by now anyway, but no doubt, as massively in size as it has grown, there is just no way to prevent it from collapsing. A ton of money is continuously sunk into welfare and its maintenance which only rips bigger holes into state and federal budgets. The ultimate crash is inevitable, the extent though is still manageable and should therefore be tackled sooner than later. Stop welfare fraud by denser and more thorough networking, by more frequent and more random back- screenings, check- ups and controls. Yes, it takes money to make or in that case save money, so hire controlling organs, and just like bounty hunters let them swarm out day and night to find and hunt down all those who collect "bennies" while working under the table. No more riches for welfare people in general!  If someone is handed a comfortable thousand or more US dollar in monthly welfare benefits, why the hell would they ever want to work on the books for a meagre $ 7.85 an hour again? Just a thought. 


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