Cyber Bullying Good Morning! - I cannot stress enough the paramount significance of keeping the fight up against Cyber Bullying even though this is indeed an uphill battle par excellence.
Just the other morning we saw a report about a cheerleader who had been openly been bullied on Facebook most likely just for the fun and thrill of senselessly insulting others. Honestly, what a crappy world do we live in where people are targeted often for no apparent reason?
Maybe two or three weeks ago, my husband was watching a few video clips of an Elvis Tribute Artist (ETA) who is considered the best and the closest to Elvis. Anyway, we were reading a number of comments about that guy, and to be honest I was not just shocked but truly disgusted by what people felt they had to express so candidly. It does not matter if I personally think that that ETA should be labelled the cream of the crop or not, but who in the world gives anyone the right to leave such nasty, unqualified, rude, and most of all completely uncalled and inappropriate comments? Who are those folks writing such terrible things after all? No faces and no names needed really, although I'd admittedly be burning to find out about their identities, but I can tell you one thing for sure. People like them are stupid cowards hiding behind synonyms and thus behind an impenetrable wall of anonymity. We are talking about low- lives here. It would not surprise me in the least if the majority of those bottom feeders were adolescents and young adults as I quite frequently overhear especially younger generations exchange that kind of repulsive and disrespectful language. On a different note, a well- known and highly acknowledged young country singer has been bullied and harassed on popular sites such as YouTube on and off with regard to her weight fluctuations. Nobody's darn business, I would like to think, but since the trend as far as having to continuously present yourself in the best possible light is commonly supported by fashion, advertising, health, and other advocates, it seemingly has become rather normal and okay to toss around with hurtful and destructive criticism. No, it is not normal or okay at all! YouTube doesn't surprise me anymore. Their business policy is apparently spread thin when it comes to clean ethical "interaction". Often the source of comments cannot be traced back. Why is this? Perhaps to protect assholes from being reprimanded, sued and forever excluded from the virtual world? It seems to me just like that. And now Facebook is gradually walking down the same filthy path? Unreal! That cheerleader's family tried to intervene and asked Facebook for their support to no avail whatsoever. I'm appalled! I might consider closing my Facebook accounts as I'm no longer certain about their integrity. Bring it on, and give me the names and faces of those who get a kick out of insulting, bullying, harassing, bad- mouthing, and belittling others. I would love to address those brainless morons one by one. Of course, when I was a child, I was bullied in school as well because I was allegedly too fat, too slow, too dumb, too ugly, too ... . You see, these are all criteria that haven't changed a bit within the last 30 or 40 years. However, the bullies back then were not nobodies. I knew who I was dealing with and was therefore capable of fighting back. Nowadays, your own class mates ruthlessly and anonymously spread psychologically endangering rumors about you being a fat gay wimp if you're male and a dumb, fat, ugly, lesbian slut for girls. For God's sake, people get alive! Stay as far away as you can from the Internet, specially knowingly disturbing social media sites. And please, do yourself a grand favor by not posing questions of the fishing- for compliments- kind such as, Am I beautiful? online, as this is just like suicidally testing shark infested waters.
Just turn a deaf ear to that species of cretins. Last but not least, to all the reckless imbeciles out there, Watch out! You might easily be victimized next! Have a great and cyber- bully- free day!
Just the other morning we saw a report about a cheerleader who had been openly been bullied on Facebook most likely just for the fun and thrill of senselessly insulting others. Honestly, what a crappy world do we live in where people are targeted often for no apparent reason?
Maybe two or three weeks ago, my husband was watching a few video clips of an Elvis Tribute Artist (ETA) who is considered the best and the closest to Elvis. Anyway, we were reading a number of comments about that guy, and to be honest I was not just shocked but truly disgusted by what people felt they had to express so candidly. It does not matter if I personally think that that ETA should be labelled the cream of the crop or not, but who in the world gives anyone the right to leave such nasty, unqualified, rude, and most of all completely uncalled and inappropriate comments? Who are those folks writing such terrible things after all? No faces and no names needed really, although I'd admittedly be burning to find out about their identities, but I can tell you one thing for sure. People like them are stupid cowards hiding behind synonyms and thus behind an impenetrable wall of anonymity. We are talking about low- lives here. It would not surprise me in the least if the majority of those bottom feeders were adolescents and young adults as I quite frequently overhear especially younger generations exchange that kind of repulsive and disrespectful language. On a different note, a well- known and highly acknowledged young country singer has been bullied and harassed on popular sites such as YouTube on and off with regard to her weight fluctuations. Nobody's darn business, I would like to think, but since the trend as far as having to continuously present yourself in the best possible light is commonly supported by fashion, advertising, health, and other advocates, it seemingly has become rather normal and okay to toss around with hurtful and destructive criticism. No, it is not normal or okay at all! YouTube doesn't surprise me anymore. Their business policy is apparently spread thin when it comes to clean ethical "interaction". Often the source of comments cannot be traced back. Why is this? Perhaps to protect assholes from being reprimanded, sued and forever excluded from the virtual world? It seems to me just like that. And now Facebook is gradually walking down the same filthy path? Unreal! That cheerleader's family tried to intervene and asked Facebook for their support to no avail whatsoever. I'm appalled! I might consider closing my Facebook accounts as I'm no longer certain about their integrity. Bring it on, and give me the names and faces of those who get a kick out of insulting, bullying, harassing, bad- mouthing, and belittling others. I would love to address those brainless morons one by one. Of course, when I was a child, I was bullied in school as well because I was allegedly too fat, too slow, too dumb, too ugly, too ... . You see, these are all criteria that haven't changed a bit within the last 30 or 40 years. However, the bullies back then were not nobodies. I knew who I was dealing with and was therefore capable of fighting back. Nowadays, your own class mates ruthlessly and anonymously spread psychologically endangering rumors about you being a fat gay wimp if you're male and a dumb, fat, ugly, lesbian slut for girls. For God's sake, people get alive! Stay as far away as you can from the Internet, specially knowingly disturbing social media sites. And please, do yourself a grand favor by not posing questions of the fishing- for compliments- kind such as, Am I beautiful? online, as this is just like suicidally testing shark infested waters.
Just turn a deaf ear to that species of cretins. Last but not least, to all the reckless imbeciles out there, Watch out! You might easily be victimized next! Have a great and cyber- bully- free day!
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