One, Two Three - SUED! Hello everyone out there! You know what takes the fun out of working as a surgeon, a lawyer, an entrepreneur, a general contractor, a teacher, a social worker, a nurse, an entertainer, an artist, etc. etc. etc. here in the States? Exactly, being reliable and thus eligible to be sued. I strongly believe that the US is the only nation world- wide that executes their right to drag and summon each other to court to an extreme of unprecedented magnitude. Boy, oh boy, the fun is truly ripped out of every responsibility prone job possible. After six years of being here, I still cannot grasp the degree of severity some law suits pose listening to certain motives supposedly legally fertile enough as to be materialized. Just incredible! As an educational professional such as a teacher you definitely have to weigh your words and deeds to an extreme extent unless you want to end up being dismangled reputation wise due to accusations battled out in court. There was this special needs teacher who clearly lost it as she poorly commented on one of her students' obvious but non- changeable slowness towards that kid herself. Not only was that teacher suspended from work - which in my opinion is shame enough, no that girl's dad took it a step further and sued her.
It seems to me as if the true dimension of when to legitimately seek the help of a legal defendant has got lost. I can't help thinking that in as many as 60 out of 100 cases the reasons for suing someone are just pathetic. No question, should a doctor perform surgery out of poor judgement which leaves the patient incapacitated, sicker than before or even dead, the family should have a chance to legally prosecute this form of mal- or rather mistreatment. And yes, the general contractor you hired should be fully liable for any structural damage, collapse, fire, and so on because how other than by court decision would you ever get reparation payments. However, you should not just have the option to sue anyone just because you disagree or disapprove of someone's personal ways with others.
Technically, if your neighbor doesn't like you, he or she might find a petty reason to sue you as far- fetched or surreal it is. You publicly call someone names, make sure you do that in a different tongue if you prefer to avoid any serious after- math. Plenty of pharma brands get sued on an almost regular base. The tobacco industry could care less as it seems, and so they keep paying staggering fines to thousands of dying smokers or rather to their families. Doctors, nurses, entire hospitals even get sued for minor to capitally major reasons by the hundreds a day. Has suing become the one and only automatic defense mechanism following the principle attack is the best defense in this country?
Why not try and and step into a mutually fruitful and productive dialogue instead of watching and waiting for somebody to fail and fall on their faces as to have a legit reason to sue?
In this country it is getting less and less funny in pursuing any career and in doing or saying anything to anyone without having to bear possible consequences. This somehow feels like the proverbial Damocles Sword hanging over our necks which just like a Guillotine may come crashing down any day for some reason or none at all. Not a cozy feeling at all! It is definitely time to restructure our social ways within the field of personal interaction. Furthermore, we are called upon truly wanting to change the laws here in this nation not just to the better but to the simpler and more humane.
It seems to me as if the true dimension of when to legitimately seek the help of a legal defendant has got lost. I can't help thinking that in as many as 60 out of 100 cases the reasons for suing someone are just pathetic. No question, should a doctor perform surgery out of poor judgement which leaves the patient incapacitated, sicker than before or even dead, the family should have a chance to legally prosecute this form of mal- or rather mistreatment. And yes, the general contractor you hired should be fully liable for any structural damage, collapse, fire, and so on because how other than by court decision would you ever get reparation payments. However, you should not just have the option to sue anyone just because you disagree or disapprove of someone's personal ways with others.
Technically, if your neighbor doesn't like you, he or she might find a petty reason to sue you as far- fetched or surreal it is. You publicly call someone names, make sure you do that in a different tongue if you prefer to avoid any serious after- math. Plenty of pharma brands get sued on an almost regular base. The tobacco industry could care less as it seems, and so they keep paying staggering fines to thousands of dying smokers or rather to their families. Doctors, nurses, entire hospitals even get sued for minor to capitally major reasons by the hundreds a day. Has suing become the one and only automatic defense mechanism following the principle attack is the best defense in this country?
Why not try and and step into a mutually fruitful and productive dialogue instead of watching and waiting for somebody to fail and fall on their faces as to have a legit reason to sue?
In this country it is getting less and less funny in pursuing any career and in doing or saying anything to anyone without having to bear possible consequences. This somehow feels like the proverbial Damocles Sword hanging over our necks which just like a Guillotine may come crashing down any day for some reason or none at all. Not a cozy feeling at all! It is definitely time to restructure our social ways within the field of personal interaction. Furthermore, we are called upon truly wanting to change the laws here in this nation not just to the better but to the simpler and more humane.
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