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Dress Code: Zippo By no means am I a fashion geek nor have I ever been considered well- dressed above average - at least due to European standards, but what I have been seeing here on this continent is just not good at all. People's taste as far as dressing well here is truly in their rear ends, generally speaking. Apparently it is not that they didn't know how to dress up for certain occasions. They just choose not to. Don't get me wrong, I do see fashionably dressed men and women every now and then, but the gross of folks especially in the non- urban areas as it seems shows no care in the world when it comes to clothing. Let's start with the guys of whom too many roam around in too baggy pants with their butts hanging out. And believe me, neither a skinny nor a super- sized fanny looks good in this sloppy gear. Shirts, Ts, and specifically tank- tops don't usually go too well with those blue jeans if they hide a super- hairy chest, bad tattoos and a fat gut. The shoes are overall anything but appealing but boost athlete's foot and bad posture. And as if that was not enough yet, lots of studs' heads have obviously grown into their oh so beloved baseball hats. No wait, we are not done yet. On top of all that, two out of three males run around with a hygienic understanding of a rock. Smelly, toothless wonders with a five o' clock shadow on their faces and fingernails as if there were just no such tools as clippers here. Indeed a female's full- blown turn- off! Would you think that the ladies match those beast- like appearances to a T? In fact, from a general point of view they do. The average US- female wears a pant size 16 but weirdly enough often sticks with the most disadvantageous and least fitting cuts on the planet. There are literally tons of big girls out there with cellulite from their bye- bye arms down to their back boobs and further down to their muffin tops to their thunder thighs to their cankles. Why is it always those biggies that promenade in the tightest leggings, jeans, T- shirts, blouses, jackets, and coats? What an eye- soar this is particularly when certain accessories such as the handbag is shaped like a sheet of painter's canvas. What cracks me up though is the petite and girly footwear on those extra large girls. Another mismatch. The worst fashion faux- pas however are mini- skirts above huge dimply knees, 3XL- sized sports shirts, baggy polyester leisure pants, sleeveless blouses preferably worn by women with flabby arms, and tank- tops over bra- less, dangling bells. Lots of girls are skinny but dress like slobs or even worse like sluts and beyond that don't seemingly spare much time second- guessing their dental hygiene either - for different reasons though. Okay, now take a look at those many poorly dressed men and women of all ages. You seriously anticipate the next generations to change at the drop of a hat just like that? Not gonna happen -unfortunately, I gotta say. I love vacationing in Europe because my eyes get the so long desired break as I watch stylishly dressed people walking down the streets.
You go to a theatre and put on the Ritz just like everyone else. However, here you stick out like a sore thumb among a crowd of leisure and casual gear lovers. I am totally not impressed with the dress codes here, even though as I mentioned at the very beginning, I am not into fashion myself really.
So what does this tell you?- Please post your comments as I am looking forward to hearing from you!


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