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Be(come) Vigilant

Be(come) Vigilant - Welcome back to my blog! - Just yesterday I read somewhere that Russia had recently introduced a new Vigilante project, especially for urban areas. Young men voluntarily and without payment escort (young) women home after dark. What a terrific idea! - About 12 years ago I had a spontaneous vision after stepping out of my apartment and onto the street. That day I was wearing grey and black clothes which must at first sight have appeared like a uniform or so as lots of people strangely enough showered me with respectful and almost thankful looks. I don't want to sound too cheesy here, but I was quite apparently mistaken for someone I wasn't such as special police or security. This sort of reaction was exactly what triggered that vision of mine clearly aiming at bringing peace and order to the streets of our towns and cities through squads of young and athletic male vigilante. - We all know too well, the bigger a densely populated area gets, the harder it becomes for the generally understaffed police forces to stay vigilant. The trend of metropoles to grow larger in size is worldwide still on the rise and will most probably not reverse all too soon. With less police on site as a result of budget cuts or overwhelming corruption issues, crime rates will undeniably skyrocket to the point where the right of self- justice will have to be brought to the table and seriously discussed as an alternative option to an increasing lack of police observance and execution. However, if an army of young and physically fit men with immaculate background checks could be recruited to assist local police units, many a city, particularly bigger ones, would see gradual change come for sure. In the long run all that filth such as gangs, drug and human trafficking, sex slavery and other criminal operations would ultimately be brought to their extinction. Of course, those vigilante would eventually have to be paid as well. After all, what are our taxes for? We all prefer to live in save neighborhoods, so why not just shift our tax expenses a little? Here in the States school taxes are generally far too high anyway. If 20 to 30% went to paying those brave young men, wouldn't that be a good start already? I think so. Quite likely Europeans would be willing to financially support their new town and city guards on an extra tab if necessary if only they were able to guarantee the safety of their kids, women and elders as they are doubtlessly the most vulnerable and the most susceptible members of society. Especially in under- policed places criminals are in fact enabled to carry out their mischievous plans and intents. The less control and the less resistance there is, the bolder crooks become. Since we unfortunately live in a world which in large parts of our supposedly so greatly advanced society clearly shows signs of just its exact opposite, de- evolvement this is, we need to make sure our communities are more stabilized than ever. Police alone though won't be able to handle this kind of task much longer but needs massive reinforcement which could be done through independent bodies of security men or vigilante that are just as well trained and well equipped as police and military. Once deprived of their ideal conditions to conduct business as usual, most criminals will eventually find themselves cornered and will ultimately run out of luck and future opportunities. Sadly we can't teach low lives love if love is something that just doesn't resonate with their underdeveloped souls. The only effective means they will inevitably listen to is strict monitoring and vigilance. It indeed appears to be that simple.


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