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ADHD, ADD, OCD, ... All But SAM (Smoke And Mirrors)

ADHD, ADD, OCD, ... All But SAM (Smoke And Mirrors) - Good afternoon everybody! - Just the other day I was watching an excellent video online in which a German professor and brain specialist was talking about behavioral disturbances that are actually nothing but a pharmaceutical hoax. In particular, he referred to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in mainly male children claiming that such disturbances were not of truly medical impact but rather most natural reactions to today's parenting, to the increasingly stressful pace in general and to an overall social lack of opportunities as far as learning to master various situations in life, no matter how frustrating or challenging. He thinks that the pharmaceutical industry constantly pushes for such behavioral extremes to be given the necessary medical attention and correspondingly official names such as "attention deficit". This legitimizes the steps of researching, testing and ultimately distributing more and more costly meds. Rather unmistakably, that professor from Germany points out how dangerous the effect of some of those meds are on the young and still developing brain. By suppressing rather natural even though at times rebellious impulses through drugs, the young individual's biochemical setup might get so badly deranged that the only desired result will in fact be nothing but a state of apathy. He also believes that the attention deficit issue primarily impacts boys because by nature they just want to be important but are clearly not challenged enough anymore as to develop a healthy self- esteem. To say the least, that message hit home because this is exactly how I've been feeling for a long time already. When I grew up nobody talked about such problems in a medical context. Instead things were taken care of one way or another usually in a most natural way. We would play a lot amongst each other and basically act out whatever was wrong. Then all of a sudden this attention deficit problem was elevated and handled like a major crisis by both doctors and pharmaceutical reps. Just looking at the way kids were raised and left all to themselves, I was not surprised at all. Suddenly both parents had to work to make ends meet, and so there was no one to watch their children after school. As a consequence, TV took over the versatile role of an ideal babysitter at all times. With the Internet came the urge for anonymity swallowing up more loners, outcasts and weirdos. No wonder that lots of kids nowadays suffer from an attention deficit considering that they mostly lack attention! Sadly even in schools the teaching routine has become so hostile, standoffish and mainly achievement oriented that there's just no more room for playful and explorative learning anymore. Most teachers have become way too scared of either all those suppressive systemic regulations or their own flaws to be disclosed. Curriculums have become far too technical and reality averting. No, I'm definitely not surprised about the meagre outcome in general, but I certainly disapprove of the pharmaceutical industry to deliberately taking advantage of that. Just naming certain out- of- the- ordinary behaviors and making them a medical priority in order to justify the use of more meds, of which 99% clearly fail the purpose or make things much worse anyway, is no way to meet a bunch of fairly simple issues suddenly called ADHD, ADD (Adult Deficit Disorder), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), etc. A German proverb comes to my mind here: "Shooting at sparrows with canons" or rather taking a sledgehammer to break a nut. Lots of medically christened behavioral irregularities and disturbances such as ADHD, ADD, OCD or Anger Management just to name a few come in handy for the pharmaceutical industry as they are guaranteed profits in the trillions for nothing at all! Bad because deliberately false intentions can only lead to negative and damaging consequences. I just wonder, will there ever be a medicament to cure people from SAM or Smoke And Mirrors?    


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