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298 Lost Souls

298 Lost Souls - Hello everyone! - I had almost finished typing last week's blog when a news app on my phone notified me about the downing of Malaysia Flight MH 17 with 298 people on board. Just the ominous headline suggesting that I follow the live report literally made me sick to my stomach. The whole scope of that tragic plane crash is still hard to grasp. My heart goes out to each and everyone who's lost their loved ones. Nothing can bring you the solace you so badly need, but please, rest assured the world is mourning with you. Any initial shock and disbelief quickly turned into utter sadness and lastly into a full- blown rage. Who the heck gives any politically unstable and war- prone nation the right to shoot down a passenger aircraft with almost 300 civilians on it? Personally, I could care less about the various tiffs and confrontations between the many countries as long as innocent travelers are kept out of it. However, now that exactly the opposite happened, it appears as if this war issue has suddenly been made our all business. Was this the original intention anyways, I wonder? Never mind, I'm not going to comment on the Ukraine- Russian crisis. Instead I'm asking president Putin to take responsibility for what happened as that airplane was reportedly shot down by a missile which the Pro- Russian Separatists had been equipped with by the Russians. I felt like throwing up as I was listening to those short translated fragments of that intercepted phone conversation between Pro- Russian rebels. Cool and calm as can be they discussed that they had just shot a passenger aircraft out of the skies. A few days ago one of the ring leaders showed his face on the Russian air demanding certain conditions appearing as cold as ice. No couth, no respect and no consideration whatsoever for human life if you ask me. Allegedly those barbarians even went through the deceased victims' belongings before wrapping their dead bodies in black garbage bags and piling them up in local train compartments. Their purpose was clearly to hold the corpses ransom in return for their demanded favors. Appallingly disgusting that is! Only the lowest of scumbags do such dreadful things. I really hope for draconian sanctions on them from both Europe and the USA as those men have undeniably overstepped the line this time. If President Putin wished to save his face, he would be well advised to hold accountable whoever gave the commando to fire that missile and whoever ultimately pressed the button. Those terrorists should be publicly trialled and sentenced in a Russian military court, so catastrophes like this one never ever happen again. I find it very hard to believe that this incident was merely an accident but rather a heinous and useless act of terrorism aimed at 298 innocent souls who had absolutely nothing to do with that war. How incredibly depressing all of this is! Now the major airlines have to avoid certain airspaces because of more than 100 war conflicts all over the globe! Unreal! At last, I'd like to address all those seemingly heartless low- life Pro- Russian Separatists. I assume, most of you have kids, too. Thus beware of Karma, the law of balance and its powers as your offspring might also be taken from you out of the blue just like this. For those roughly 300 lost souls there's in fact not much we can do anymore as they are now in a much better place with God. However, we can show our support and love for all the families and friends left behind by lighting candles and sending prayers to assist them come to terms with a tragedy as insane and pointless as this one.


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