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Who plays the H.A.(A.)R.P?  As hurricane "Sandy" is unstoppably rolling in threatening 50 million people in several States, I 've decided to already post this week's entry today because we are potentially facing widespread and long lasting power- outages.
Lots of folks are watching this monster storm of unprecedented dimension and are expressing their thoughts amongst themselves. Rumor has it that this storm is not a naturally occurring phenomenon but a disastrous home- made $ 1 Billion- Frankenstein hurricane with nothing to compare.
- Excuse me, what do you mean by home- made? Created by man with the help of H.A.A.R.P.
People think that "Sandy" could not have been happening at a better time just 9 days away from the presidential elections. - Wait, wait! What the heck is H.A.A.R.P., and what on earth has this got to do with the outcome of the elections? - Okay, H.A.A.R.P., as was explained to me, and as I just now investigated myself, stand for High- Frequency Active Auroral Research Project.
The authors of Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology, 1997 by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning talk about H.A.A.R.P. as being the US military's new ground- based zapper or a "Star Wars" weapon first tested in the remote bush country of Alaska.
This system is said to manipulate Mother Nature in quite a few disturbing ways, one of which is to supposedly 'change weather patterns' over large areas by changing the shape of the ionosphere by allowing beamed energy (low- frequency radio waves) in large amounts to be concentrated on a small location. Thus this is said to potentially cause "abnormalities in weather", to put it mildly.
So much for H.A.A.R.P. Now let me refer to why people think that this monster storm comes in quite handy, and who they think is clearly benefiting from that. The word is that the current president has been losing ground quite a bit through the last couple of weeks, since Governor Romney has been impressively gaining momentum. The heat is on, but Mr. Obama does certainly not want to leave anything to pure coincidences. He wants to win the elections at all expenses, no matter what.
The scandalous incident in Benghazi as well as the release of the movie "Obama 2016" have both over- shadowed the president's sparkly white image, so the general comment. Therefore, this man needs a miracle or some trick up his sleeve. - I'm not making this up, but feel like portraying people's suspicions and concerns as this has lately been multiplying dramatically. The general worry here is such that by demonstrating how much Mr. Obama is being in charge of all the coordinating evacuation and rescue efforts with respect of Hurricane "Sandy", lots of still undecided voters might swing over to the Democrats last minute. Now everyone wants to feel their president's omni- presence and is thus more likely to sweep everything else under the rug. Mr. Romney is becoming fairly insignificant right now, whereas Mr. Obama is claiming almost all of the current media attention due to this weird Super- Hurricane.
I would like to leave it up to you what you get out of this. As of now, we are all bracing for "Sandy" to make landfall in about six to seven hours. I'm praying for everyone in harm's ways and hope to be back online soon. God Bless America.


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