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An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth  Hi everybody! - Just the other day another girl was reported missing, and as much as I am hoping for the best, the outcome is likely to turn out as bleak as many times before. In the majority of cases the sexual predators remain unknown - unfortunately, but there's still a decent percentage of successful captures. At least in this country, those people get a fair trial and are usually given a multiple- decade or life sentence. After that those monsters quite often fall into complete oblivion publicly as they are housed, fed, and well kept alive in an isolated but relatively peaceful and safe environment until they die. - Just last night I heard about another young girl, 12 years old that got raped by a  straying middle- aged man. - A few days ago, we were told that the shoplifting rate at a local lumber store (!) had gone up drastically. - People I personally know are frivolously enjoying life at state's costs, welfare this is, and as I am writing this post, the same unscrupulous individuals are deliberately scamming the system lying and scheming their way through it all. - I could go on and on talking about crimes of petty to capital nature.
However, my intention here is not to point out the countless different sorts of crimes but the consequences inflicted on the bad guys and girls. Quite frankly, there are apparently no serious consequences because if there were, all those con artists, liars, thieves, rapists, and other monsters would diminish in number faster than in the blink of an eye. Neither jail nor prison is of any more scare to most inmates but has become a stable and convenient compromise as to having to spend some time or the rest of one's life secluded from society. Consequently, the penitentiaries across the whole nation are hopelessly overcrowded beyond their capacity. This trend will definitely not break as long as the primary and supposedly conclusive consequence is locking the rotten fruit away.
I seriously wonder what would become of this country were we to take the biblical quote, An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth as literally as some Middle East countries still up to this day do.
- What if we started practising what the bible teaches us to do? - To start with, what if we got rid of most correctional facilities here and physically punished all those who simply refuse to comply with our rules of cherishing and respecting human ethics according to the nature of their crimes?
Wait, I know what you may be saying now; Yeah, speaking of ethics, isn't a radical reaction based on An- eye- for- an- eye and a- tooth- for- a- tooth quite unethical? Sure, at first maybe, but tell me, why does the bible suggest this if it's not meant to be put to work regardless of the time and the circumstances. - So, what if we publicly castrated a sexual predator who raped and killed the most defenseless members of our society, children and women? - What if we amputated a thief's right hand and if relapsing also his left hand? - What if we ripped out a liar's tongue? You know what, as unethical and inhumane as this all may sound to you, one thing would change for sure and pretty rapidly. Criminals would think twice if they should proceed or not, and quite likely they won't simply because nobody wants to run around disfigured and stigmatized. Draconian? Of course, but certainly rather effective and life- altering for both, the bad guys and the rest of the society.


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