Walk A Mile In My Shoes (III) - Jesus Christ! Only recently, I stumbled across an article on women's rights in Saudi Arabia which flat- out floored me. Most inconceivably, a woman is now officially considered to be on the same level with a mammal or camel! This sounds like a bad joke, doesn't it? Well, quite unfortunately, it is not. Even though, the women in that country are celebrating this as a truly victorious step into the right direction, they are still treated as second- class beings. Stunned, disgusted and simply overwhelmed, I am trying to understand, but for a female who grew up in a Western society with comparatively few remnants of once all too imbalanced times as far as gender equality, such is indeed hard to wrap my mind around. Frankly speaking, this is exactly my point here with regard to the issue I have with Muslim migration in general. It is just no secret that Westerners do not mix well with peoples from the Near and Middle East since our two worlds could in fact not diverge any further. Yes, it may quite arguably be of disadvantage to be born into a strictly patriarchally structured society as a female even if the soul per se always choses their sex beforehand, specifically for the purpose of meeting certain criteria as well as requirements in a karmically either collective or individual sense. However, let me comment from a rather egoistic point of view, this should definitely not be made a problem for souls that decide to reincarnate as females into fairly moderate gender- balanced societies. Here is just another example as to why not. 18 years ago, my girl- friend gave birth to her daughter and was later on transferred to a room together with two other brand- new mothers. Well, on visiting, that friend of mine agitatedly shared with me a most repulsive story which I shall never forget for as long as I live. All right, the woman lying by the door had just had a girl as well. Being Muslim, though she would, strangely enough, not receive any visits from her female relatives but exclusively from male family members. That larger group consisting of father, grandfather, uncles, cousins and brothers would storm into the room and promptly inquire the sex of the child. Outraged about the newborn not being male, they started to hit the poor woman in the face! Oh, my God! My friend was all startled, but she proved enough presence of mind as to at least quietly press the emergency button. However, it would take several more grueling minutes for the staff to notify the police while the victim had to just keep enduring all that senseless castigation. What the hell just happened and where of all places? Did this really occur in a maternity unit somewhere in Austria? What on earth is wrong with this picture? Let me explain what the actual problem here is. We who live in the Christian parts of our globe must be doing absolutely wrong by gullibly taking in any random Muslim folks because we are either ignorant, indifferent, dumb or just helplessly brain- washed to allow for anything alike to actually happen in our midst. For God's sake, wake up, people! Seriously, what else are you waiting for? The matter of fact is, the main goal of the present Muslim invasions constitutes of primarily infiltrating our highly advanced, most independent and mainly peaceful societies as to gradually exercise Sharia Law on us by dishonoring, raping, fathering and enslaving our girls and women, producing male heirs en masse, submitting the rest of the population to their draconian and historically back- ward tyrannic way of life and lastly converting everyone to Islam. I just picked up somewhere that a female being gang- raped by 20 men automatically makes her a Muslim. Serious?! It was outrageously irresponsible and incredibly naive of a several European politicians to have opened the flood gates for millions of unruly and misbehaved refugees of whom two thirds are young and strong males by the way. We are completely outmanned police and military- wise and thus need to arm ourselves to keep those animals at bay. I just cannot believe this! All those fit men should have stayed behind in their war- torn countries and fought like any brave soldier elsewhere or at least helped to rebuild their infrastructure so their wives and children might finally return to their abandoned homes. No, instead they came along with all the others to enforce Sharia Law hands- on and onsite. Most of those men spend their days at federal expense doing nothing at all but just linger around, solicit and harass females. Not too many are actually willing to work and even fewer accept small allowances for various odd jobs around the towns and villages. I have heard lots of accounts according to which male individuals even have the audacity to complain about the fact that they are not remunerated accordingly for basically achieving nothing, and others even boldly dare question why they have to work at all since the rumor was that Europe's welfare states would take care of them, no matter what. This is not to be understood as a free paradise ride, dear guests to our great continent! Besides, we are not putting up with your idea of subjugating us all to Sharia Law just because you think our God needs to be replaced after all. Let me ask you, what would happen if my country was at war and I needed to seek shelter anywhere else, Syria for instance? Exactly, being female, I would end up being stripped naked, raped, sodomized and most likely killed right on the spot. As a male I might fare somewhat better unless I was thrown into a prison hole, tortured and killed either. Where is the equality here? Right, there is none, and this is exactly why we need to send them all back to where they came from before it all gets out of hand. Just look to France and England, two grand nations that are meanwhile just helplessly drowning in Islamization. Europe does not need any of that, and it is high time that we formed an international task unit and drove them out or rather away from our continent. Again, my Muslim aversion has nothing to do with racism or xenophobia, and I strictly reject and oppose to any Faschist concept to be applied ever in the case of a modern- time Reconquista. People whose intentions are to subliminally cheat us and then force us to adapt to their religious beliefs should not be welcomed in our midst, hosted, clothed, fed and given a free pass to just unproductively roam the streets, gang up and assault our innocent citizens while we struggle to make ends meet plus keep ourselves save of our own accord since our police forces are ridiculously overpowered. No question, I truly feel sorry for all those suppressed Muslim women, but again, it is entirely up to them to either continuously accept or step it up to finally bring drastic change to that unfathomably dated tyranny. Let me be very clear on this once more, there is just no room for that whatsoever in our civilized Christian societies, be it in Europe, Australia, America or Asia.
Seelenpartner, Zwillingsseelen, ... Alles Aus Einer Einzigen Seele (II) - Die Dauer unserer Zusammenkünfte mit anderen Seelen mag von einigen Minuten bis hin zu einer Stunde, einem Tag, einer Dekade oder sogar darüber hinaus variieren. Das zeichnet uns grundsätzlich alle aus. Beziehungen lassen sich niemals zeitlich messen sondern vielmehr in geteilten wie gegenseitig beigebrachten Lebenslektionen und kommen durchaus auch zwischen Seelengefährten, Zwillings- und rein theoretisch auch unter Parallelseelen vor. Letztere aber treffen recht unwahrscheinlich zur selben Zeit zusammen. - Lasst mich zuerst auf das Konzept der Zwillingsseelen, Zwillingsflammen oder auch Zwillingsstrahlen eingehen. Kurz zusammengefasst, handelt es sich hierbei um zwei Hälften EIN und DERSELBEN Seele, die zu Anbeginn der Zeit in absolut harmonischer Koexistenz lebten. Selbst als wir uns als Seelen von DER Quelle an sich abspalteten, um uns letztendlich zu individualisieren, waren wir unverändert eins. Jede ...
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