Walk A Mile In My Shoes (I) - Good morning everyone! - The term Xenophobia describes the fear of the unknown, the foreign, the alien and is mainly brought up in the context of dealing with humans of different origin, creed, race, etc. To be technically precise, we hereby usually refer to foreigners, refugees, asylum seekers, etc. It is true, we humans generally fear what we don't know, don't call familiar or rather don't consider similar value- sharing. Different customs, traditions, lifestyles and even idioms may easily scare, irritate or just put us on edge for we essentially fear the loss of control one way or another. However, it is my conviction that once we have gathered enough knowledge and experience around and also through direct contact with peoples that clearly differ from us, the term Xenophobia just no longer applies simply because we have got to know them by then, at least to some extent. As a matter of fact, I grew up, studied and later on even worked with people that were not originally from my country, and I must honestly say that I hardly ever had a problem with anyone. Quite on the contrary, I can actually look back on numerous memorable moments which I definitely would not want to miss. However, there are sadly entire nations that I just can't seem to get along with. In the following, allow me to share with you where my personal issues with one special group of foreigners lie without sounding like an absolute buffoon of a hypocrite. In that particular regard, I do feel I have a right to voice my opinion unmistakably and authentically enough because after all this is what I had to experience first hand when working as a teacher. Judging from that, I have come to realize that we as Christians are just not well advised to mingle with Muslims the way we have been forced to, especially the last couple of years as a result of that unprecedented global refugee crisis. Again, let me outline my dilemma first before you jump to prejudicial conclusions. As a High School teacher, I was certainly not asked whether I ultimately approved or disapproved of being assigned two classes of mostly Muslim students at the beginning of that new school year in 2004. Therefore, I just tried to remain positive and keep an open mind for that was all that I could do anyway that fall. Well, the very first unit called orientation class would immediately give me a rather clear idea of what was in store for me and inevitably set the tone for the coming ten months. Honestly, just on walking into that class room, I felt like crawling into a hole right away. I was simply flabbergasted the moment I noticed that 18 of those 24 super rowdy teenagers aged from17 to 20 had an Islamic background, and what's more, of those 18 students 15 were male! Let me tell you, what a hoot it was to just attempt to "survive" the first ten minutes of my 50- minute period. Alright, now picture me for a mere second - thank God, not dressed girly- like feminine but rather androgynously neutrally - as I entered the classroom of hell and 6 of those 15 Muslim male punks now stared me down in mocking disbelief. Okay, so I hastily introduced myself and pointed out my role as their future English teacher. What followed was nothing short of a nightmare! I truly could not fathom those jerks' most despicable and utterly disrespectful reaction. Would you believe that those bastards started to riot, ranting and raving over the fact that I was a female teacher simply because their faith did not tolerate such? The three Muslim girls present - all veiled up in their Burkas - solely sent out encouraging looks after having been told explicitly to shut up and stand back. I was floored, to say the least but just knew I needed to keep my cool, no matter what. Then that mouthy leader of that rotten gang had the audacity to remark that I was only good for one thing and even non- verbally demonstrated and underscored without a doubt what he was saying. At that point, I lost it and flipped their desks over one by one as they would just not comply and take their feet off. My prompt reactive intervention was followed by sheer surprise and stupid gaping. At that time, our classrooms were not yet equipped with cameras like here in the US, but even if they had been, I would not have minded the consequential confrontation with the principal in the least for it was quite obviously necessary to exercise "law and order" as not to be overrun for the rest of the year. Nevertheless, just when I thought I had regained control, it would get worse, actually, much worse than that. - Tune in next week for more.
Seelenpartner, Zwillingsseelen, ... Alles Aus Einer Einzigen Seele (II) - Die Dauer unserer Zusammenkünfte mit anderen Seelen mag von einigen Minuten bis hin zu einer Stunde, einem Tag, einer Dekade oder sogar darüber hinaus variieren. Das zeichnet uns grundsätzlich alle aus. Beziehungen lassen sich niemals zeitlich messen sondern vielmehr in geteilten wie gegenseitig beigebrachten Lebenslektionen und kommen durchaus auch zwischen Seelengefährten, Zwillings- und rein theoretisch auch unter Parallelseelen vor. Letztere aber treffen recht unwahrscheinlich zur selben Zeit zusammen. - Lasst mich zuerst auf das Konzept der Zwillingsseelen, Zwillingsflammen oder auch Zwillingsstrahlen eingehen. Kurz zusammengefasst, handelt es sich hierbei um zwei Hälften EIN und DERSELBEN Seele, die zu Anbeginn der Zeit in absolut harmonischer Koexistenz lebten. Selbst als wir uns als Seelen von DER Quelle an sich abspalteten, um uns letztendlich zu individualisieren, waren wir unverändert eins. Jede ...
Oh my God. What a horrible experience. I am very glad you bought this issue to light. We need more people to point out the truth.