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Off The Charts (II)

Off The Charts (II) - With all the wicked nastiness that's going on these days, I more than ever feel the urge to escape into a life of reclusion away from social media, news sources and negative people. What has become of mankind primarily in industrial countries is an absolute disgrace to God's original concept of freedom granted to us so generously. To be honest, exactly this is THE actual main issue that can be detected in this mess. Freedom of choice turns out to be a blessing or a curse, very much depending on which side of the coin we lastly gravitate to. If only we persisted in just roaming and operating between the fronts or rather within the frame set by the very individual and karmically predestined life circumstances in our earthly existences, we would in fact be faring quite well. The reference here clearly goes to rules, laws, structures and guidance in general. Were we mature enough to accept such as supportive pillars in our every- day life rather than obstacles or challenges, we would actually prevail, provided, of course, we followed the traditionally taught paths of religion along with it. The latter column, though, appears to be vanishing ever the more while leaving nothing but horrific hollowness and sickening shallowness. As a dire consequence, we are desperately trying to make up for that imbalance and instead strive to fill that spiritual void with all sorts of superficial, dulling, expendable and mostly invaluable items cherishing the motto, the more, the better. However, while we are doing exactly that, we paradoxically can't seem to get enough ever. This way not just one single sample of whatsoever such as TV sets, smart phones, other electronic devices, cars, clothes, toys, houses, etc. will ever do but instead countless. Nothing of materialistic character will de facto ever be adequate enough as to possibly realign us in ways only the devotion to the divine and spiritual is capable of. In Elementary School we would start the day turning towards the crucifix on the wall and immersing ourselves in a short prayer. Today we are in all seriousness debating and arguing whether we should remove and ban our Christian insignia, the cross, allegedly for reasons of religious equality in our schools. Give me a break! What sort of hypocrisy is this all of a sudden? Possessing a copy of the Holy Bible back in the good old and comparatively peaceful post- war times was widely considered a privilege but nevertheless met with overall respect as well as affirmation. Nowadays, on the other hand, it is almost considered frivolous and often even frowned upon to merely suggest that especially black sheep acquire a bible in the hope they might straighten themselves out again. Those ultra- radical and violent groups, cults and parties which are presently terrorizing our planet and threatening our world peace, are basically all Godless as they are in fact erroneously caught in their own narrow- minded and destructive belief systems. In reality, there is just ONE Bible, ONE Koran, ONE Scripture, etc. - even though, there do exist multiple religious scripts within Buddhism and Hinduism, mind you, the most peacefully practiced religions by far - which leaves no room for radicalized interpretations whatsoever. After all, there is a very specific reason why we were handed down those of all tools to be used for all times being. We definitely need to learn that no matter what happens with manmade rules, laws, restrictions, orders, etc. down the road - being awfully dated, they will inevitably be replaced by universal principles of keeping order peacefully rather soon as we are clearly transiting from Capricorn into Aquarius - the divine as well as the spiritual realm will never cease to exist. Therefore, we are truly called upon returning to just those two havens of true guidance which will make us all whole again and lastly result in full realignment. Any society without religious and spiritual beliefs will eventually fail and end up being extinguished. History has proven this to be true over and over again, and since it just keeps recurring whether we like it or not, why would there suddenly be an exception?    


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