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The Soul's Journey

The Soul's Journey - The soul's evolutionary progress through 35 different stages within 5 levels sometimes over thousands of years can indeed be viewed as a long and diversifying journey with all possible highs, lows and mediums possible. During the last few weeks we've learnt that the Infant Soul first and foremost faces issues around its earthly survival which are primarily of physical nature. The Baby or Child Soul though, is already in the process of tackling the broad spectrum of morals all ultimately leading to building a conscience. The main focus in the lives of a Young Soul is directed towards gaining mental maturity, whereas the Mature Souls clearly shift their effort towards the perfection of emotions within relationships. Old Souls, on the other hand, are all eager to develop their spiritual side to the fullest. We can easily compare this to a first- grade student who at first deals with a handful of subjects only. As he gradually moves on to higher grades, his workload eventually expands with the number of subjects increased. Our student might be a brilliant or a bad learner which doesn't really matter as long as he reaches the finish line some day. In theory the student is all done and ready to graduate after 35 lifetimes at best or after hundreds of times at worst. Just like in school, we repeat a step whenever we fail completing it successfully, but we certainly don't fall back to a lower stage. At times we do need divine intervention to get started again or to get yanked out of a very persistent rut. Often times we tend to trip over the same old karmic hurdles or even cling on to other souls for various personal reasons. Then we are given both a corrective and directive hand enabling us to leave traumatic obstacles or poorly healing wounds behind us for once and all. We are unexceptionally confronted with all kinds of challenges and are consequently fighting our own battles here and elsewhere. Usually we show our strong suits in at least one of the five initially mentioned states, the physical, the moral, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual. At the same time though,  this suggests that there are considerable shortcomings which need to be worked on. As portrayed a couple of weeks back already, on a soul level we present ourselves as colorful mosaics even though not too equally balanced as far as colors and energy. I'm encountering much more physicality around me lately than I did 20 or 30 years ago which serves as a clear indicator that numerous newbies are now pushing their way into our earthly plane. On the other hand, though, not too many times as of yet have I had the pleasure to run into highly spiritual masters. In this regard, there are two possible reasons I could think of, one being that I live in the wrong place and the second one that I am just not so advanced yet myself as a soul as to personally meet Old Souls on a regular base. Both sounds plausible to me. - I feel that there's presently a rather fair balance concerning the ratio among Child/ Baby Souls mainly struggling with morals and Young Souls concentrating on building mental strength. However, Old Souls that usually devote their last few incarnations exclusively on spiritual matters are rather a minority in comparison. - Lots of folks I know prove great strength in terms of the physical, moral and emotional but definitely lack mental and spiritual input. Others are mentally outstanding but don't feel attached to their spiritual side at all. Another kind refuses to emotionally connect with other souls while demonstrating great forte in physical, moral and mental ways. We are all different, and what's more, we often under- or overdo certain fields meaning that we either give them too little or too much thought, energy and effort. This way we create imbalances that show well in our aura by the way both energy and colors are distributed. Therefore we need to be absolutely patient with others once we spot any inequalities and lacks in their soul matrix for none of us is perfect either. A less developed soul deserves just as much respect as an intermediate or highly evolved one. Just keep in mind, we might easily be spotted by much more developed souls as well. Look towards the higher souls for you can learn a lot from them, but never look down on lower souls. Instead teach them what you've already learnt. No doubt, love and compassion are the key words here.  


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