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The Soul - No Blank Canvas

The Soul - No Blank Canvas - Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and are doing well. - The soul is a funny thing and yet not too entertaining after all - at least not quite at first sight. It defines itself as the sacred core per se of any human or animal being and usually hardly ever takes a front row seat but instead silently lingers around somewhere beyond the vast and all- knowing subconscious which supposedly covers a whopping 98% of spheres invisible and out of reach for most of us. We may refer to the soul as the home of our conscience, basic characteristics and heart desires. The saying, "The heart knows what the soul desires" is a perfect fit of the heart and the soul going hand in glove. The soul is by no means physical but of purely etheric nature, however, despite its survival skills without a body, rather paradoxically, it does need exactly that kind of shell made of flesh and blood as a vehicle to steer around on a physical plane such as this earthly place. Unlike the body which dies sooner or later, the soul itself remains immortal unless it continuously violates the sacred principles of life and refuses to heal from its severe traumata. Lots of times a soul may potentially run the risk of getting entangled with other souls and may even end up becoming bound, possessed, cursed or even captured entirely. There are times we voluntarily lend parts of ourselves to needy souls, and at other times we unknowingly lose fragments down the road of our long and thorny karmic journey. As challenging as this trip may turn out to be, only the Creator or Maker of Souls can ever animate or terminate a soul. Why do we actually desire to return in flesh and blood instead of staying in spirit? Well, as a matter of fact, almost like in a masochistic fashion we as souls wish to experience life together with others literally down to earth and first- hand as realistically and authentically as possible with all that comes with it like pleasures, pains, aches, hurt, desires, joys, etc. The most basic and at the same time the most powerful desires and drives such as eating, sex, sleeping and well, just surviving cannot satisfactorily be simulated and copied while merely in spirit. I've read numerous accounts of regressed souls that were trying so hard to achieve the same degree of emotional and physical satisfaction but in the end found themselves utterly disappointed because it was just not the same. Surely enough, once two souls melt in an act of mutual love, that sort of union is said to be completely out of this world and correspondingly intense and memorable although entirely incomparable to physically diving into the realm of sexual pleasures. Reportedly not even earthly addictions such as smoking, drinking, drugging, etc. are equally pleasurable on an out- of- body base as one heck of a party soul cheerfully put it. Mankind's genesis goes back eons to that crucial point when we rather selfishly and overly curiously opted to break away from the mental state of perfectly harmonious but most likely monotonous wholeness to learn about individualism. The Creator gave us souls the absolute and unrestricted privilege of free choice and let us venture off regardless of that ill- fated step. Our action consequently called for polarity and set the Karmic Wheel into motion. Rebirth as stated in the Creator's scripts was no longer just an abstract concept but became very real and impossible to separate from for most of us. Many souls have been around for as long as evolution finally elevated us to humans, lots have only been here for centuries while others are actually brand- new as they're flooding our planet for the first or second time. This consequently suggests that the world presently combines approximately 7 billion souls of different age, experience and spiritual maturity. While the majority of older souls has gone through all kinds of highs and lows already during multiple life times, the younger ones are in fact still rather un- spoilt but at the same time much more susceptible to being trapped in the most rudimentary desires and drives in life. You wouldn't believe how big the differences are! More about that the next time. - In the meantime, have a great week!


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