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The Evolution Of The Soul

The Evolution Of The Soul - Welcome back to my blog! - Today I'd like to focus on the various levels of souls and their different interim steps, respectively. Altogether there are reportedly 35 different steps, 7 per level of which there are 5. Each single step requires at least one whole lifetime to complete, but since several incarnations end prematurely, are terminated too early or are spent in non- physical states, it does in fact take much longer than that to run through all those steps. Running through, I guess, is a poor choice of words in this context as the entire process definitely resembles more of a gradual growth rather than a speedy race, and so it takes well over a hundred lifetimes and spans over thousands of years at best. Just for the (spiritual) records, the soul's existence between lifetimes - periods that usually also take up some time typically used for the soul to return home, its latest life review, being healed and taught, choosing a new life, preparing, rehearsing, and finally reembarking on its new adventure - is one of light form which implies that each and every soul emanates a particular color of the color spectrum through which its current level of consciousness is indicated. White is said to be the color of the Beginner Souls on the primary or rather lowest level, red goes with the second level, the Advancing Souls, yellow represents the Teacher Souls on the third tier, green belongs to the Master Souls, and blue and purple stand for higher levels of mostly non- physical souls leading to the head of the Creator. The further a soul advances within the seven steps on its present level, the richer and darker its color becomes. Don't get confused about this perhaps somewhat coarse categorization, but like with everything else in life dealing with overlaps is rather natural. Back to the apparently more rigidly structured 5- level theory as mentioned afore. The very first or rather elementary level is that of Infant Souls. Their main focus literally and exclusively lies more or less on just being and staying alive. Therefore, survival, physicality as well as mortality and mental awareness are the top priorities on their learning agenda. As innocent, raw and authentic as they may appear, they are quite often misunderstood as odd balls, loners, outcasts, and simps. The next higher level hosts the Baby or Child Souls. While they typically devotedly belong to groups and cultures, their learning goals are primarily set in the fields of security, rules, roles, law and order, crime and punishment, and social awareness. Those souls stand out through their blind conformism, conventionalism and conservatism. Level 3 belongs to the Young Souls, mainly extrovert, brash, competitive, highly energetic, political, and ambitious individualists who egocentrically pursue their own interests and overall feel more attracted to worldly success than anything else. Focusing on living as free agents, they are supposed to learn everything about independence, self- advancement, free will and personal achievement. The 4th level consists of Mature Souls which are described as quite thoughtful, reflective, sincere, sensitive, and emphatic. However, their permanent quest to strike a fair balance between their own and other people's needs makes their lives rather complicated which ultimately leads to searching for a deeper meaning in life plus more self- understanding whether through art, psychology, philosophy or spirituality. Attempting to co- exist with others, they are called upon studying the being of interdependence, relationships, empathy, intimacy, and self- awareness. The highest realm is owned by Old Souls which quite noticeably exude a remarkable degree of depth, warmth and wisdom hardly ever perceived. Those souls generally radiate more light and a true sense of joyous freedom. They appear as fairly calm, stable, well- balanced, and unattached to both social and cultural expectations as they are in fact sure of and thus in peace with themselves. Those highly advanced souls are often considered unique, quirky, and yes at times even eccentric and withdrawn. They tend to go their own way trying to share their spiritual wisdom with the world. Striving towards becoming part of all- that- is, autonomy, non- attachment, wise counsel as well as spiritual awareness are just a few keywords describing the typical learning experiences specifically cut out for them. To be continued next week. 


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