The Self- Fulfilling Prophecy Of War - Hello everybody! - Unreal but he majority of people here on this side of the world has no clue what's presently going on elsewhere. Sadly, the news here are just as one- sided and manipulative as elsewhere, so whenever there's a military conflict anywhere on this globe, we're usually mainstream- fed the kind of news that simply fit the bill the best. Only few news channels have the guts to disclose what's really going on politically and socially. Have you ever seriously wondered why it is that we're mostly presented with half the stories if at all which on top are often outrageously biased? This is clearly because specific purposes are served such as making oneself look much better than others in their vain and narcissistic megalomania or to deliberately deceive us making sure we collectively swallow the bait and eventually turn against whole nations, races, religions, etc. while some countries secretly hatch out their evil plans side by side with minds alike called allies. This often happens less out of actually political but rather economic interests with billions of dollars of profit at stake which is definitely reason enough for quite a number of states to plot against others. Some nations are truly enamored with the concept of playing with fire and seeing whole continents go up in flames for no other but monetary and power- related motifs. I have never liked propaganda or demagoguery, and I absolutely despise war which in my eyes is nothing but a primitive and useless act of terror on entire populations, primarily targeting innocent and defenseless civilians. We MUST learn from our history if we want to master the art of peaceful confrontation after all. It honestly scares me a lot what's been building up lately in terms of fairly possible war scenarios with the all too realistic potential of plunging the whole planet into World War III. I can't and won't focus my energies on what the worst case scenario would be like if Europe went into war with Russia because nobody on that continent really wants that. However, and that's the actual crux here, the more often we reflect upon a possible war as an answer to this current crisis occurring in the Ukraine, the more likely this prophecy will end up turning into a self- fulfilling one. This is because we just direct too many negative energies towards a potentially armed conflict which would eventually and inevitably drag the whole planet into a most horrific and unprecedented world war. Being Austrian myself I'm understandably worried quite a bit whether my state's status of neutrality would still be respected in times of war considering we're sitting right in the middle of the fast spreading bushfire and no more than 1000 miles (if at all) away from the Ukrainian border. Just unbelievable, last week a US reconnaissance plane was reportedly bullied by a Russian Mig- fighter jet and consequently pushed deep into the airspace of neutral Sweden quite supposedly without the required transit flight permission. Quite clearly from a historic standpoint of view, the superpowers America and Russia just don't see eye to eye, never did and most likely never will. However, it's just not fair to put the European Union under such scrutinizing pressure! America undeniably blackmailed Europe to finally step it up and impose strict sanctions on Russia as a result of their allegedly so reckless humanitarian behavior towards the independent state of Ukraine. Europe has quickly buckled under that strain just to avoid being sanctioned themselves by the USA. Really??? No hardship, but don't you think, this should finally be our own business to deal with? Besides, we do not need any, let alone aggressive intervention to solve our issues with Russia. For a change, Europe, the cradle of warmongers per se would like to continue their pacifistic approach which they had to learn quite the hard way. We do not want war to ever happen again on European soil! Please, let us work through all of those tensions our own way by means of diplomacy rather than armed conflicts. After all, the ones suffering the first and the worst - most unnecessarily and most horribly - would be nobody but us. So please, help us keep our precious peace!!!
Seelenpartner, Zwillingsseelen, ... Alles Aus Einer Einzigen Seele (II) - Die Dauer unserer Zusammenkünfte mit anderen Seelen mag von einigen Minuten bis hin zu einer Stunde, einem Tag, einer Dekade oder sogar darüber hinaus variieren. Das zeichnet uns grundsätzlich alle aus. Beziehungen lassen sich niemals zeitlich messen sondern vielmehr in geteilten wie gegenseitig beigebrachten Lebenslektionen und kommen durchaus auch zwischen Seelengefährten, Zwillings- und rein theoretisch auch unter Parallelseelen vor. Letztere aber treffen recht unwahrscheinlich zur selben Zeit zusammen. - Lasst mich zuerst auf das Konzept der Zwillingsseelen, Zwillingsflammen oder auch Zwillingsstrahlen eingehen. Kurz zusammengefasst, handelt es sich hierbei um zwei Hälften EIN und DERSELBEN Seele, die zu Anbeginn der Zeit in absolut harmonischer Koexistenz lebten. Selbst als wir uns als Seelen von DER Quelle an sich abspalteten, um uns letztendlich zu individualisieren, waren wir unverändert eins. Jede ...
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