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Karmic Payback Time

Karmic Payback Time - Lots of folks keep wondering these days why things are the way they are with all those nasty conflicts and brutal wars presently going on in our world. How come we are sliding ever the deeper into racial, religious and other confrontations even though we're apparently aiming at the exact opposite? I think, this is simply because all those past issues mankind created, established and reinforced can't just be swept under the rug but need to be addressed, resolved and balanced out again according to the law of Karma. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" was anchored in the bible a long time ago and definitely relates to the karmic wheels of justice. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" is another prominent proverb which can't be any truer either. Of course, it's silly at first sight to be held accountable for actions and deeds rooted in our past history which we didn't commit personally. But the matter of fact is, we just don't remember doing any of this, and that's actually good because a lot of us would not want to pick up where we left off in past existences. Believe me, the veil of oblivion is indeed a true blessing. Rarely ever do we stand out singularly as much as we'd love to have been historical celebrities like Cleopatra, Caesar, kings or queens. Instead we re- appear as quite ordinary folks and usually in the huge collective. I'm talking about reincarnation, impressions and influences that we've left in past lives as well as Karma. Let's just take a glimpse at the last two millenniums under the astrological sign Pisces and Catholic reign. Two thousand years of torture, deceit, schemes, lies as well as false and misleading promises - to say the least - are almost behind us. Thank God because this was certainly not Jesus' idea of Christianity! What on earth made the Christians think they were entitled to rule over any other religion? Just look at the Crusades starting in the 1000s. What they did back then is just despicable and needs to be corrected when it comes to Karma. After all millions of non- believers, heathens, pagans, witches, and others were slaughtered by the sword because they didn't want to convert to Christianity - not just throughout Europe but quite radically in the Near and Middle East. The Islamic belief was not tolerated at all, fought tooth and nails and almost annihilated. That's quite an impressive amount of negative Karma those Christians piled up in the name of God! Now the law of Karma naturally demands compensation depending on the extent of imbalance created, and we seriously wonder why the Muslim world is now rising especially against the Christians? I'm certainly not happy about this violent tendency, but I'd be lying to say that I was surprised. - Another not any less serious and yet entirely different matter deals with that currently rather potentially explosive trend of racial unrest. Let's go back in history for a second. The white race conquered new lands and stripped black Africans of their freedom, tortured, enslaved and segregated them in that ridiculous conviction of white being the supreme race. After hundreds of years the black man finally rose to his feet and started to break free by fighting for his own rights and his personal freedom. The African- American Civil Rights Movement took place in the 1950s and 1960s which was absolutely necessary. However, out of guilt over the shameful past the white man began to grant the black man more than just equal rights mostly based on the discrimination acts. Of course, this had to backfire, since any form of inequality karmically speaking produces imbalance over time. And this is exactly what is broadly and boldly taken advantage of today - one main culprit and enabler undeniably being welfare. Seriously, I don't blame them at all. Wouldn't other races do the same if they were given the same chance? No doubt in my mind, they would. The black race has been fighting back for decades and gaining inch by inch, and now they're quite rightfully up in arms over that latest unnecessary incident in Ferguson, Missouri. This also does not surprise me in the least! Apparently the time for karmic payback is near if we agree or not. We have to accept joint responsibility for all the negative Karma that we collectively created in the past. Unfortunately, there's no way out of this dilemma by trying to appease, suppress or even destroy the antagonizers when it's their turn to react to our karmic wrongdoings. Instead we have to face the consequences and get through to the other side where we can start freshly and hopefully make better decisions in the future.


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