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More Background Checks!

More Background Checks! - Good afternoon everyone! - Apparently I've been rather gullible taking for granted that in a security- wise overly rigid country like the US everyone goes through a back ground check sooner or later and therefore assuming that there is no need to worry whatsoever.
In fact quite the contrary seems to become ever more the rule. There are lots of companies that obviously have no care in the world as far as checking the background of those they hastily employ as assistants, workers, sub- contractors, etc. The next time you open the door to a stranger, make sure you at least stay around vigilant, and do not leave your kids unattended. Being careless and deliberately ignorant about various dark chapters in the past of someone hired to quickly carry out certain jobs, those black sheep among disreputable companies send out their employees no matter what. There has just surfaced that case where a contractor came to a house to supposedly fix a few things. The babysitter of a four year-  old girl decided to leave for some time which that stranger used to suggest and pursue a new game to the little girl. He then exposed himself and masturbated in front of the shocked girl who was trying to run away from him. As was found out later, that pedophile was a convicted child molester and registered sex offender whose criminal record had quite clearly not been pulled at all by his employer. My husband, a contractor himself, has told me on various occasions how intentionally people used to set him and his crew up for potential theft by leaving their jewelry, cash and other valuables lying around openly just waiting for the trap to spring. Luckily, none of my husband's team ever fell for any of those stupid temptations because my husband had very well looked into those guys' records before hiring them. However, today with no mandatory background checks, there is definitely need to take the extra mile and stash your precious heirlooms and belongings in safe places. - As a principle, I do not like strangers in my home, but because we are trying to sell our house, we've had to put up with all kinds of strangers if you will. And again I have proven a great deal of naiveté. Where I come from, realtors still do the job they are supposed to do which is lead potential and credit- worthy house buyers through the various objects that are marked for sale. If you are interested in purchasing a new place, you are automatically screened concerning your credentials just to make sure no precious time is uselessly wasted. Here though, more and more agents are obviously getting too lazy to even take their clientele through the different houses but let them explore all on their own. Needless to say that this absolutely goes against my grain, but finding out that interested customers are less and less regularly checked before showing them around is flat out mind- boggling to me! Now as it appears, anyone can call in and ask for an appointment to be let into people's places without even being eligible for mortgages and loans. Great indeed! I might as well open my doors to all the nosy neighbors, stalkers and others who've always wanted to know how we live and what precisely we own. What a fantastic idea to create chances for unwelcome intruders to first check out our homes and come back later to burglarize them! The absurdum per se though is, you as the owner are not supposed to be around at all at times of showing your house or apartment which means a bunch of strangers may walk into your place all by themselves without any background check or financial screening because the realtor, who's late to begin with, does not consider it important in the least to show them around personally. I just wonder, should anything in your absence disappear, who would you turn to? Sad, isn't it? I really don't know what to tell you other than keep your guard up at all times, and stay alert.  


  1. I agree so strongly that many people do not realize the dangers that are out there in today;s society... They must be aware of their surroundings at all times and should research if they want to hire someone or before making decisions that require dealing with the public and people you do not know... Criminals do not always look like Criminals so all please beware..


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