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Judge Not, Fear Not, Resist Not

Judge Not, Fear Not, Resist Not - These are the main principles of the being of the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records or also Chronicles are like a gigantic invisible magnetic band around the Earth and can be compared to an infinite recording device to every single thought, word, wish, emotion, deed, and consequently every intent ever expressed from the very beginning until the end of mankind.
I personally like the concept of a humongous antique library carrying everyone's book of life the best of all. There one can obtain every piece of information down to the smallest detail as far as that single soul's journey through eons of numerous reincarnations as well as its sojourns to the various planetary energies between lives. The Akashic Records are neither humbug nor eerie or paranormal but a very helpful instrument for all of us and are thus accessible to whoever is eager to find out more about themselves. Once inside the Akashic Record Library nothing reminds you of the restrictive and negative structures inherent to man. You will never find any advice based on words such as should, should not or must even though honesty clearly dominates the nature of information stored in the Akashic Records. Since we chose to stray from the path of continuously living in the sacred wholeness in the early days of our history, we have had to deal with multiple existences in various places of polarities. This circumstance very well gives us the unlimited right to exercise our free will at least every now and then, but as a side effect, so to speak, we are constantly tempted to fall for the same old imperfections. The two major reasons for us all to come back over and over again in different bodies to different lives are purely to keep learning to treat each other just like ourselves with love and respect and to gradually move back to ultimately becoming one with the Supreme Light again. Judge not, fear not and resist not are all potent reminders of what needs to be overcome on our way of collective healing. Noble goals indeed but much easier said than done and certainly not a mission likely to be accomplished in merely one life time. Besides with all those different souls levels currently present among us, these three moral pillars appear to be collapsing under the building pressure more predictably than ever before. However, this is exactly where the challenge as far as mastering our major obstacles lies. Judge not implies learning all about tolerance plus how to efficiently execute it. Once we stop judging others and ourselves, we will feel the same kind of artificial restraint lifted from those around us as well. No more judgement and prejudice creates the space necessary to - just like a flower - bud and blossom after all without being criticized, moulded and manipulated any longer.
Fear not is a direct result of judging. We fear lots of things out of fear of being judged, weighed, categorized, stereo- typed, and stigmatized. If we don't have to worry about permanently being under someone's magnifying glass, we need no longer fear the consequences. It really could be that simple if only it weren't so darn tricky! Without fear there's no more reason to resist as the whole spectrum of opportunities to excel our spiritual growth is now unrestrictedly ours. Resist not, and we all shall be given the freedom to create Heaven on earth. Sounds good, doesn't it? Nobody tells us how much time we need to get there as long as we really attempt to reach this goal some day. If we manage to at least become aware of our every- day- like actions when we judge, fear and thus resist, we can call ourselves winners already because this is the first paramount step to opening the doors to personal enlightenment. The next tier is to break the habit of automatically falling prey to the same old trap which will change our surrounding energetic fields. Changing one's ways a little at a time is certainly better than performing the same old actions again and again. Yes, it may take another two, three or more life times until we finally start healing.  So what, there's absolutely nothing wrong with approaching the finish line slowly and steadily as long as we keep walking. 


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