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Change Is Due - Good morning! - The latest EF4, EF5- twister hitting Oklahoma City the other day took incredible 30 minutes ploughing through entire districts and leaving a path of devastation and destruction at least a mile wide. The video taken from a helicopter revealed absolute chaos with houses ripped apart and scattered all over the place like boxes of matches, vehicles mangled like toy cars and charred vegetation like out of a war film. Not enough, under those piles of rubble, debris and mess are dozens if not more fatalities. Just heart- breaking! My heart and prayers go out to everyone who's lost someone!!! - It's always about human and animal lives first. Houses, cars, buildings, bridges, streets, gas and power lines can eventually be replaced, not so beloved ones and pets. In order to keep everyone out of harm's ways, we must reconsider how we want to build housing, schools, even entire cities in the future. It is absolutely imperative to take a new direction if we want to withstand natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and bad thunderstorms in general. Actually we shouldn't call this path a new one really as old civilizations just as currently living indigenous tribes have relied on building underground for eons. Houses should be nothing but bubbles in the ground, have no ground garages or additions, and the roofs shouldn't stick out either. Building with wood, I was told, is way cheaper than anything else. Okay, but if housings need to be rebuilt, wouldn't solid concrete have paid off in the end? Wood snaps too easily and burns down to the ground merely in a matter of minutes. Quite scary, isn't it? By investing more into better and sturdier materials, Americans would save a lot of money and worries in the long run. In Europe we still primarily build with concrete. Eye- sore? Yes, at times, but in terms of safety almost unbeatable. We've had bad weather scenarios over there as well, especially the last couple of years. I've got to admit though, tornadoes are adding lots of unnecessary spices to our old soup of disasters. So, now we're also facing this so typically American phenomenon over in Europe. Not cool at all, but again nothing we could do anything about but keep building better and above all more cleverly. No roof is safe from a tornado of EF4 or EF5 strength, no matter where you live! We must globally find ways of lowering the prices as far as building in- ground concrete shells cheap. The glass for the bull's eye- windows needs to be worked on, too to make it both affordable and efficiently applicable. One major benefit of in- soil set structures is the naturally regulated heat and coolness. The temps stay around a reasonable medium all year long and could be altered by the use of solar panels on top of the bubble. These should generate enough energy to run electricity, heat, air- condition, etc. on an individual level and should disappear beneath a protective layer of metal and concrete whenever disaster strikes. If we wish to survive Mother Nature's mood swings, we will have to adjust as the climate is clearly changing. The less resistance there is on the ground with a tornado touching down, the smaller the mess and the less the destruction in general. - I once had a fancy dream which I guess was more of a karmic flash- back. In that dream I was dwelling in a cave, and I was looking out some window- like holes. If we've done this already, why not return to that way of living? Just a thought.


  1. First i would like to send my continued prayers to the people in Oklahoma that has lost many family members and homes in this devastion..i do agree with that homes should be built much better for the destruction that mother nature can bring...and the companies should make it more affordable for the south the make the homes with cement and shells to withstand the hurricanes and such..and for us that live up north are seeing more and more tornadoes and flooding....i agree with the message you are sending Meg and hope that all is well and the help they need in Oklahoma gets to them fast...


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