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TV - Enjoy it while it lasts - Good Morning from America! - Two weeks ago we were anxiously waiting for the next episode of "Vegas" as we love watching this show which is set in the Sixties and portrays cowboy sheriffs and mafia gangsters interacting in the glamorous world of old Vegas style casinos. For sure not everyone's cup of tea but still rather innocent, carefree, hilarious, and just different from the majority of commonly violent and super hectic drama series. Okay, Tuesday evening came, but "Vegas" was not aired. So I went to I seek information online and quickly found out that just with "666 Park Avenue", another outstanding and for a change not non- sense show, "Vegas" was cancelled more or less overnight. I need not stress how ticked off I was AGAIN! Well, last Thursday we were all prepped up and ready to watch another one of our few televised favorites. However, the time slot for "Zero Hour", which by the way had only premiered three or four weeks prior, had already been given to just one more stupid series. I was fuming and thus decided to take matters in my own hand by firing off two e- mails, one to ABC and the other one to CBS. Immediately I received a generic response from ABC in which they basically told me to f myself saying they could not answer each and every e- mail due to the overwhelming flood of incoming reactions. Well, HELLO! Why is this, I wonder? A little too cocky for my taste if you will, but that's okay. Just keep pissing your viewers off as this will be your own demise in the end. I'm sure, nobody likes paying for fly- by- night shifts and cancellations and rude and ignorant comments on top. CBS at least made an effort to provide a cordial answer, which I clearly appreciate as I feel being treated like a human being, even if it still doesn't change anything about the fact that shows simply disappear from one week to the next due to low ratings. How about announcing changes like these publicly instead of teasing us with trailers of upcoming episodes? This and nothing else I would consider honest! Why are new series praised into the skies before they even start airing if it is anything but clear whether they have enough potential to stay around for at least a full season? Why lead the viewers on like that and then drop them like hot coals? Certainly not fair at all! What really gets me mad is the seemingly randomly set expiration dates for shows on the chopping block. Three episodes away from the first season's finale, "666 Park Avenue" was taken out of the program without giving any explanation as to why. What I read online made even less sense. ABC is planning to air the whole season again during the summer months but will not continue after that which means there will be no further sequels aired. Okay, what about "Vegas"? We just got to the middle of the season if at all. According to CBS, "Vegas" will be on the air again from April 5th on. Great? No, because the "Vegas" fans have seen about ten or twelve episodes already until Feb. 26th, so why repeat all of that again after Easter??? Again, this entirely lacks sense! "Zero Hour", as promised by ABC, will be brought back this summer as well, provided of course, this is not just another nice try to lead us on. Honestly, this is not the way to treat well- paying customers!
I know, different folks, different strokes, but still at least offer us other sources where we can watch our favorites instead. I just despise being forced to watch endlessly dumb shows and series due to high ratings. There's already enough crap out there!


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