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Be(come) Yourself - Good Morning! - Nothing is weirder than talking to someone who is as phony and superficial as can be. Do you know this awkwardness that arises once you realize that you are simply no longer willing to put up with this kind of people? What would you do? Turn around and walk away or keep listening? Believe it or not, I'm in fact getting a little better at walking away with every time I do so. I know, such behavior is generally viewed as rude, but honestly, I just don't care for phonies and thus consider it a waste of time to reciprocate. Phony I am definitely not, but being entirely myself has been all but an easy journey. At almost 47, I have to admit I'm still struggling quite a bit as far as presenting myself the way I really am. If there's anyone in my world who makes it easier for me to be my true self, it's my husband even though I am still not there a 100% yet. Still I feel so much better knowing that I need not camouflage or mask my emotions anymore. Instead I can let my hair down and show my true colors without having to fear retaliations of any kind. Do I like what I put on my own display? No, not always, especially not when I portray this scary array of mood swings which often seem to alternate at the speed of flickering lights. However, to understand me just as much as myself requires to really get to know my person. And my whimsicality is a big part of who I am, I guess.
So take it or leave it, is all I can suggest to friends and family alike as I will no longer allow myself to blend out certain facets just because these are not desirable or maybe entirely unacceptable.
- Practice what you preach. I love this phrase! How easily this reads, and yet how trickily it translates to real life! What a bunch of hypocrites we are collectively speaking! Hardly anyone follows through on what they claim, lecture and promise to do. We are a far cry from what we are supposed to be(come). Honesty should be the top premise in life, but instead we still lie, fib and gossip for the sake of ... - what? To make others look worse and ourselves stand out? Are we really that highly ego- driven that we only feel rejuvenated through gossip, rumor and judgement? Well, why would we be doing so if it weren't like that? Just saying. True, we all come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and mentalities, and therefore we should differentiate between people- people and non- people folks.
The ones that love the company of others should not be deprived of that pleasure. On the other hand, the ones belonging to the anti- social group should not be forced to act against their nature but left alone. I think, this way a lot of phoniness would vanish right away. Further more, certain expectations dictating how we are supposed to appear in society and what looks we should carry ought to be dropped. A lot of this man- made etiquette is disruptive and obstructive to demonstrating a healthy degree of authenticity. We should steer clear of any individual or group that deliberately spreads rumors and promotes judgement as this behavior automatically calls for protective armor simply for reasons of damage control. Instead we need to diligently work on be- coming what we were originally designed to be. Vulnerability is part of our all authenticity and was given to us to be healed through mutual understanding and compassion. - So, why not give it a try and start your journey today.
Grant yourself permission to gradually become YOU, and you will start attracting people alike that are on the same quest for honesty. Guaranteed! 


  1. beautifully written and right from the heart.....I too feel the same as many of these words....I believe that god brings certain people together for a reason and i am so glad that god has brought us together are a beautiful, honest and heartfelt person and thank you and your husband for being in my life and a friend...


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