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Hello back to a new week and a new post. Today I would like to focus on the topic THE INTERNET.
The Internet reminds me of the two sides of a coin or rather - due to the universal law of polarity-  of the wise statement, where there is light, there is darkness and vice verse. Really there is just no point in trying to blend out either side as with everything else in life that rules our physical world and thus our ways of thinking, nothing exists without their antagonists. So it is entirely up to us human beings what to make of the Internet. I fully approve and agree that in case certain harmful or shoddy sites are sought repeatedly, this should be monitored, investigated and prosecuted, but one should not have to break out in a cold sweat fearing the conquistador tribunal squad showing up on your threshold just because you accidentally open a forbidden page as a result of a stupid typo.
On the other hand, what is the Internet police good for if they cannot even track down and sort out the bad apples that intentionally publish the lowest of crap to begin with? How come I have to provide all possible personal data if I want to open a simple Face Book account, but the bad guys keep an incredibly invisible profile while putting on child porn, war, hatred and other disgusting sites just like that a n d on top manage to stay anonymous? For God's sake, there's got to be a way to somehow control what is put out there into the World Wide Web by whom, when and where exactly. Apparently not yet which means that in the meantime we adults should see it as our legacy to younger generations and teach them how to deal with the Internet in a reasonable, responsible and constructive way - provided of course, we the teachers know right from wrong ourselves and practice what we preach.
And yes, it does not hurt to keep an eye on our kids with respect how they utilize the Internet, which if used correctly can be a lot of fun and give you a hoot of a time exploring thousands of things you would otherwise not be able to access in such a fast and uncomplicated fashion. Have a great week and talk to you next time again!


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