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Heart Versus Mind (II)

Heart Versus Mind (II) - The Devil has got an incredibly long breath when it comes to preying on us sinners, but God's breath just exceeds any temporal concepts by actually defying them altogether. The heart's faint chirp will never cease to go up against the comparatively obtrusive scream of the mind. It may well be drowned or tuned out on occasion, but it will always be there. By the time this kind of stage is reached, Satan has already found a solid way in, and what's more, already begun to infiltrate our thoughts, and who knows, maybe our emotions as well. - Let's just rewind the tape for a brief moment. How on earth can the Prince of Darkness gain such easy access solely operating from an exterior position? How exactly does he succeed in both invading us and sprawling out like that? Most certainly never by means of anything non- animated as a friend of mine loves to word it. The baited hook at the end of that elusive sink- line is one way or another always and forever temptation. Seduction comes in many diverse and, much more importantly, in most subtle forms depending on the selected type of just perfectly customized disguise. Not one single human being is safe, and to make matters worse - much worse, in fact - we are all prone to succumbing to at least one kind of lure. Okay, since we all basically fare on one and the same ship, I do feel the necessity of seeking a common denominator in all of that. Unless allurement per se is a product of unanimated objects, this suggests that such can first and foremost only be called into life and then instilled through animo which is inherent in any living being. Naturally, animals and plants are to be excluded here as neither group disposes of immoral depth due to unscrupulous and deceptive ways of thinking whatsoever. You can say, on a fairly sad note, humans are the only species claiming the right to this particular ownership. On second thought, it does make perfect sense, though, thinking of the significance of the mirror effect of both good and evil which is absolutely necessary for our all spiritual growth. Hence, people permanently tempt us in various distinct and then again in less distinct ways displaying what lies beyond the commonly acceptable boundaries of our moral compass. Hundreds of temptations out there are waiting for us to just trip and finally fall victim to. Frankly, it does not really make much of a difference what the nature of that bad seed is, whether it is about monetary greed, food binging, the abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs and narcotics, gambling, hoarding, shop-, workaholism, athletic overexertion, materialism, attention deficit, etc. At the end of the day, each and every single one calls for compulsive repetition as well as habitual self- enslavement. They all dangerously mess with our minds by gradually narrowing our peripheral vision down to a scary tunnel version of what is left of a once normal and healthy degree of life perception, furthermore by drastically shortening and tightening our circles of daily activities, and last but not least, by suffocating any remaining liveliness, joy, content and happiness. Most paradoxically, the more we crave certain temptations repeatedly, the more they hollow us out, ultimately leaving us increasingly empty inside while still desiring more of what clearly keeps depleting us. As a consequence, we just continuously force ourselves to blindly commit to our spiritual, emotional, mental as well as physical decline and lastly our own demise. Undoubtedly, the absolute worst of all temptations is of sexual character and ever so often leads the ones inflicted to the greatest of sheer unimaginable agonies which usually leads to the souls being either shattered, fractured or otherwise severely impacted. If explicitly tempted by it, power, all by itself, will also end in nothing but endless pain and heartache. The gravest and equally greatest of all enticements, however, has been existent since the beginning of mankind and still keeps taking a toll on us. Money, in fact, describes the root of all evil there is in this world because whoever can afford it will quite likely give in to other kinds of sub- temptations such as sex in all imaginable and perverted ways such as pornography or pedophile (just to name a couple), trafficking of drugs, firearms, organs, prostitutes, slaves, etc. Let's face it, it is usually the combination of money and such and such that frequently turns out to be a most destructive and not seldom a lethal one as well. - To be continued.        


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