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The New World Order (III)

The New World Order (III) - Hi everyone, and a Happy New Year! I really hope you all were able to enjoy a peaceful time celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or whatever else. - PEACE, indeed what a costly word and yet inarguably worth its weight in gold sooner than we may think. In this special regard, memories about my late granny's horrific accounts about WWII are surfacing ever the more frequently as it appears that we won't be holding on to peace and freedom much longer. Too many years, we have already endured without another major war involving mass casualties. On a scale simply beyond compare, WWIII is just around the corner, virtually one touch away. As crazy as this sounds, this is but the actual door- opener to the well- planned and meticulously forged out New World Order. After all, through various differing strategies that are ultimately all leading straight into hard- core crises, half our planet has been successfully set on fire already, if you will. For instance, the weather has been tampered with just as eagerly and unwaveringly as have been created economic downward spirals in other corners of our globe. In countries rich in mineral resources and fossil fuels, their leaders have been and are still overthrown or just brutally taken out and reinstated by puppets on a string - all very much as the wealthiest and therefore top influential individuals, who understand themselves as THE leaders of our world, please to go about. Other areas or rather continents in the meantime, are being infiltrated with constant flows of migrants from Africa and The Middle East, while specific nations such as Israel and Palestine are very deliberately demonized and rivaled against each other until the annihilating spark jumps over at last. What's more, because people all over the world are by now witnessing increased numbers of fierce attacks on their own national police forces, anxieties are conjured up and eventually tailored up to the point of making us believe that we will truly need to defend ourselves. All that sophisticated "Black- Lives- Matter" nonsense has well been put in place to credibly deceive the common sheeple, regular ignoramus, devote yay- sayers, scared and paralyzed minions à la George Orwell, indifferent and sedated zombies, etc. However, what is actually and most definitely on the chopping block here is our democracy. That's all there is to that, nothing more, nothing less. Throughout Europe, the police are also being swiftly disempowered and dismantled even if fairly differently. Cleverly enough, for one, most countries' police forces are by now so ideally multi- culturally staffed that the option of fighting the current Muslim mass invasion has basically rendered itself as a completely impossible mission. On the other hand, the majority of Muslim communities, particularly in the largest Muslim enclaves within the EU, have already gained so much power through their sheerly humongous numbers that they have practically begun to fully take over. In other words, they are brazenly employing their own police and are so turning more and more domicile areas into exile ones, also commonly known and feared as absolute "No- Go- Zones". Does this perhaps remind you of intentionally injecting cancerous cells into a perfectly sound organism? This being said, the aspired outcome is already taking shape and will inevitably result in ..., you got it, in multiple civil wars here as well as there, no matter where. Why, you may wonder? Well, just bear in mind that the police and military alike will soon be in dire need of assistance with respect to sustaining protection of their own citizens from the outbreak of anarchistic chaos such as looting, pillaging, raping, killing, and other atrocities against mankind. People, you need to finally wake up! For sure, none of this is just happening coincidentally or as a result of some random and innocent oops. Instead, we are very well meeting their expectations down to a tee by first allowing to be pulled into evilly fabricated turmoils and then reacting to their liking. Last but not least, add to that already highly explosive cocktail a couple of mentally unstable and egotistic heads of states who just can't wait to finally push THE button and hence start a nuclear conflict inescapably aiming at WWIII. - In this very sense, my dear readers, just let me wish you a Happy and Jolly 2018!    


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