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Enforced Blessings (III)

Enforced Blessings (III) - Just the other night we watched the second half of the PBS- Frontline documentation called Exodus: The Journey Continues on WMHT. As was to be expected, the film producers painted a perfect pro- refugee picture with the intention of calling upon our empathy and compassion for the portrayed migrants. That one particular Afghan man, who on multiple occasions most desperately tried to get asylum in Finland, said on camera that the world was a place big enough to house all those who needed a new home, so they, too, could finally enjoy a life in peace. That's all very well as long as everybody is fully on board as far as honestly striving to become part of their new environment, adapting to foreign traditions, customs and laws, and what's more, taking jobs and paying taxes just like everybody else. Reality, as merely shown in bits and pieces, is sadly and all too often a completely different one, though. For instance, there are pregnant wives brazenly embarked on adventurous journeys by their own husbands to deliberately try and sneak into the larger nations within the EU such as Germany. Giving birth there automatically makes the newborn a citizen of that state which again facilitates the immigration process for the entire family. Of course, this sort of fraud is commonly greatly embraced due to its simple nature. And, even though, I personally understand the reasons behind it, this method is anything but justified. I dare say that in at least 65% of all cases, most migrants' intention is to come to Europe under the alias of seeking refugee, so they can start a new life in one of those lands of milk and honey. The mentality, especially of countless young male loners - from Africa and The Middle East alike -  has meanwhile turned out to be completely counter- productive to our European way of life, and that is actually why they do not fit. No excuse here, it simply cannot be that thousands of savages are flown, shipped, bussed or brought in on trains, when it should have become all too clear by now that they will quite likely never plan to work or integrate themselves, much less accept our social and juridical rules and laws. Time and time again, those animals have proven their absolute disrespect for women's rights, democratic principles, police order, and much more. First, they often violently invade our countries and shamelessly lie about both their age and their origin, mind you, after destroying all documentary proof as well as their cellphones. Thus, 30 and plus year- olds miraculously regress to teenagers in the blink of an eye and now grab the opportunity of being schooled and trained vocationally for free. Then they usually roam around in large groups and violate women, children and even animals whenever they feel the sexual urge to do so. Supposedly being under age still, they are usually trialed in youth court and accordingly leniently sentenced as juvenile delinquents. What incredible insanity besides the future prospect of inevitable bankruptcy on national level due to extensive terror prevention! Is that indeed what those mysterious and mighty world leaders have had in mind all along with respect to the New World Order? Recently, it just struck me out of the blue that their original intention might well have been to pull the people out of major political, economic, religious and other trouble spots all over the world and put them into our wealthy, prosperous and flourishing nations in order to prevent future (nuclear) wars, famine, poverty and extinction from happening. By implementing millions or even billions of migrants in our societies, their radical nature will eventually be tamed and balanced to the point that we all end up being one and the same. I know this hypothesis of mine may sound pretty far- fetched at first, but it actually makes perfect sense if you think about it. Nevertheless, I would just love to ask the members of the world council the simple question if they believe that they have thought this out well enough? Democracy, as we know it, will eventually be wiped out (even astrology clearly proves that). There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever about that, but what exactly will be THE alternative? Without the common and well- functioning legal pillars to follow plus the executive power to exert those laws, our advanced nations will ultimately be thrown back into the Dark Ages. Perhaps, in that sense, all that present terror, violence against females, police, domestic animals, etc., resistance and rioting against law in general and intolerance towards religious practices, sexual orientation, economic as well as personal freedom ought to be understood as unmistakable precursors to that new era looming over us. Until then, we commoners are basically forced to just continuously put up with what is dished out to us in such an audacious fashion. "Like it or lump it" is now more or less rammed down our throats while our politicians are in fact instructed to keep overlooking any legal transgressions on part of all those foreigners that do not have the intention to ever become like us or respect our rules. Instead, they are basically given free reign with regard to assaulting, violating and even killing random victims. Truly a great bunch of world leaders this is! Rest assured, though, Karma will strike and take care of them as well, once their time has come. They will eventually reincarnate as nobodies just like you and me and experience first- hand what it's like to live in this kind of hell they are currently creating for us. Even if this final battle between light and darkness may rear its ugly head for quite some time, the good will ultimately prevail over the bad. You shall all see.


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