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Enforced Blessings (II)

Enforced Blessings (II) - Hello and welcome back to my weekly blog! - Just to give you a brief heads- up on the fast spreading KiKa- scandal, lovebird "Diaa's" real name turned out to be Achmed, and his candidly shared Facebook proclamation, once translated from Arabic into English, somehow reads like, "Allah willing, I will convert Germany to Islam." Well, so much for the highly praised intelligence and the recently rekindled debate as far as the IQ of the many thousands of asylum seekers flooding Europe. Bummer! Herewith, good old Germany has unmistakably been set on a course directly into degeneration. This sort of purposeful dumbing effort of not only that nation in particular but potentially the entire European continent is just one more part of that Satanic plan to model the New World Order after. Honestly, I am not quite sure if I should laugh or cry whenever the subject is brought upon the refugees' alleged above- average IQ and their extensive educational background. The government is seriously trying to manipulate us into thinking that those folks from the bottom of the Earth's barrel arrive in our highly advanced world well- equipped with plenty of qualifications, degrees, proof of job aptitude, diploma, and well, the IQ required for all of that. Right. Just give me a break! Let's be real for a second, judging from where most migrants geographically originate, what might those - mostly young and aggressive male - good- for- nothings seriously be specialized in other than making babies and transmitting deadly diseases (e.g.: HIV)? This leads me right to another scarily bleak observation. Those ticking testosterone bombs are not willing at all to assimilate and so take their time to develop relationships the normal way through courtship and the whole nine yards. No, instead, they preferably appear in large hoards with the mere intention of hunting down their prey before gang- raping whoever they have picked. That appears to be the only thing they pursue with true passion and verve. Any female assaulted by 20 men at once is ultimately considered a Muslim convert. Where is the logics in all of this, you probably wonder? I couldn't tell you. Hence, would the poor victim be well- advised to claim that privilege to the next mob of frisky savages before they strike again, or would it perhaps make more sense to ask for some stigmatizing branding like the Crescent Moon on her foreheads right after the first attack? How dandy, rape is becoming an increasingly common part of our every- day life - as if there was absolutely nothing wrong about that! And if you want to believe the oh so wise words of that one particular jackass who boldly used FB as a platform to seek sympathy and understanding for the legitimatization of such an atrocious act of violence against women, the whole matter just takes on another wicked spin. [Spoken in pure sarcasm!] Chill out, girls, the initial 20 seconds of discomfort will pay off once you start getting into the right mood and ultimately climax right into Nirvana putting dozens of Virgins to shame and lastly leaving them green with envy. Good grief! From this backwards barbaric demeanor can be concluded rather easily that women generally count nothing in those countries Donald Trump quite rightfully called garbage holes. After all, what would you call such societies that now that they have been unleashed on us - an army of young impressionable men- are more than ready to submit coming female generations very much to their personal liking? In this special context, also think of all those pedophiles who agree to wed girls as young as 9! Not enough, now we are witnessing how community educational facilities such as VHS are advertising in their course books how to learn put on and wear a Hijab. Boy, oh boy! Is the penny dropping yet? TV- commercials as well as other ads are mainly targeting young women to gradually get them accustomed to the "new" Islamic look. Just swell! Anyway, that and much more is currently unfolding right under our noses simply because the whole scenario was de facto not just planned exactly in this and no other manner but certainly also approved by a mere few hundred of the most influential people in this world. - To be continued next week.


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