- Knowledge IS Power (V) - It does look to me as if this mini series of blog posts needed just another last sequel to fully complete the circle. By now, you might have begun to wonder what exactly that sort of knowledge was which I had acquired while listening to that lengthy online video message released by that renowned and reputable US heart specialist in question. Alright, what I learnt was that many - in fact, most of our foods contain a substance called lectin. Lectin is a carbohydrate binding protein which should not be consumed too much of as it supposedly triggers weight- gain. Hmm, you see, as much as I am a medical non- professional, I just can't help disapproving of that physician's adamantly pushed hypothesis on the Internet. Therefore, rather disappointingly, my initial Eureka moment did not even last throughout the span of that special infomercial. In other words, the news about lectins being defined and classified as the new major culprit with regard to gradually paving the way to obesity, failing health, all too common ailments and even death - even though admittedly perfect scare tactics - is completely adversary to what I personally experienced in the process of losing all the weight. - My entire life, I have one way or another always trusted my gut instinct and consequently been able to clearly tell the difference whenever I choose to violate this form of guidance and deflect either intentionally or unconsciously. To give you an example, why the heck would I not just pound down tomatoes by the crates or bags since that fruit is known for its low caloric value? Quite simply because I do not like to particularly binge on that sort of food without really knowing why not. For some reason, "Anything in moderation" instantly pops into my mind again. Well, just for the logics, if I were not to over- indulge in anything specific, why did I ever get fat in the first place? Most naturally, there are plenty of foods out there, both good and bad that I am still enjoying way too much - some on a scarily regular base even, but just as I mentioned afore, that does not stop me from allowing to be guided by my inner voice when it comes to what I am best advised to consume and what not. By the way, it is not difficult at all to put on weight overdoing it on healthy foods either. What I have learnt through my change of nutrition, though, is to actually practice what I preach, and this certainly includes admitting to indulging sinfully - just not every day but rather every once in a while. - All right, let's finally return to lectin, the alleged bad boy that needs to be kept in check for health's sake. Rather interestingly, though, exactly those high- lectin foods such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, beans, eggplants, certain nuts, etc. have largely helped me shed close to 70 pounds and also stay on track ever since. That infamous wanted list of yours, distinguished Doctor, I herewith fully disagree with. In contrast, I have no problem understanding the intention behind all of that current lectin rant in your longwinded video which apparently has very little to do with the condemnation of that hemagglutinating protein itself but so much more with the eager incentive to push the sale of your exceedingly overpriced pre- and probiotic pills at all costs. - Anyway, our intestinal tract - just like the liver, the lungs and skin is of divinely marvelous delicacy concerning its multiple intrinsic functionality. About 100 billion microbes, enzymes and bacteria interact on a highly sophisticated level which is unquestionably still more of a riddle to physicians and medical personnel alike than anything else. That special milieu as refined as it is keeps regulating itself through numerous biochemical as well as physiological processes- only as long as we do not commit reckless physical abuse day in day out, this is. In fact, ALL carbohydrates such as starch, regardless of their origin and glycemic density, automatically metabolize into sugar. The glycemic index does, however, determine its speed which is fairly significant considering the naturally following insulin release. Carbs, as they are currently found in just too many processed baked goods such as doughnuts, bread, muffins and other pastries are usually made out of white refined flour - hands down, the absolute worst kind - and so stimulate the over- production of the ominous Candida. Candida is actually a genus of yeast and is said to be the most common cause of incredibly persistent fungal infections. Except for hormones such as progesterone, Candida mainly lives and thrives on sugars in any form such as those stemming from processing carbs in general. As a dire consequence, severe illnesses such as cancer (again any type), diabetes, obesity, etc. are basically pre- programmed. Candida is offset by drastically reducing one's daily sugar intake by consciously staying away from white refined flour and sugar, grains (except whole), sweets, candy, ice cream, etc. Candida is effectively counteracted by ingesting a combination of (a) pre- and (b) probiotics such as contained in (a) common raw vegetables like leek, onion, garlic, asparagus, raw banana, raw chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, raw dandelion, raw wheat bran, etc. and (b) dairies like cheese, yogurt, sour cream, etc. - Keep in mind why the most common foods are comparatively cheap and relatively easy to get just anywhere these days. The food, pharmaceutical and health industry are in cahoots with one another for the mere sake of profit. Their main goal is and always will be to get you dependent on them, so you will have to rely on them for medical and other help down the road. They do not care about you personally but most certainly about your dollar. Just imagine, what would happen if we suddenly decided to step out of line? Exactly, they would ultimately feel obligated to close their doors, a truly disastrous dystopia which cannot and will not be accepted on any terms ever. Hence, wake up at last and understand your role as perfectly played fools in their malicious scheme. How about this fact? Sugar is offered overly generously or should I rather say insanely abundantly all over the place, especially in correctional, educational and senior assisted living facilities. Why do you think this is? Absolutely correct, to hush and calm us all down, sedate and make us feel cozy. This way we will ultimately all become much better control- and steerable without even being aware of it. - Okay, if carbohydrates and, of course, sugar itself automatically transforms into sugar, our intestines will eventually both develop and succumb to a certain resistance to its very own insulin which is most vital to splitting up and processing that overpowering indulgence and storage of sugar. Sickness is inevitably going to follow no matter what - all for absolutely nothing other than many more predesigned problems just waiting in the wings due to the many serious side effects all those prescribed meds usually entail. No doubt, sugar is and remains the undisputed culprit number one for a whole range of grave prefabricated ailments that could almost all be easily avoided ahead of time. Thus, go and starve the Candida fungus as much as possible by changing your diet to a considerably less sugary one. Overall, eat anything else in moderation, keep an eye on your daily calorie intake, exercise both regularly and reasonably and always listen to your gut instinct. Good luck!
Seelenpartner, Zwillingsseelen, ... Alles Aus Einer Einzigen Seele (II) - Die Dauer unserer Zusammenkünfte mit anderen Seelen mag von einigen Minuten bis hin zu einer Stunde, einem Tag, einer Dekade oder sogar darüber hinaus variieren. Das zeichnet uns grundsätzlich alle aus. Beziehungen lassen sich niemals zeitlich messen sondern vielmehr in geteilten wie gegenseitig beigebrachten Lebenslektionen und kommen durchaus auch zwischen Seelengefährten, Zwillings- und rein theoretisch auch unter Parallelseelen vor. Letztere aber treffen recht unwahrscheinlich zur selben Zeit zusammen. - Lasst mich zuerst auf das Konzept der Zwillingsseelen, Zwillingsflammen oder auch Zwillingsstrahlen eingehen. Kurz zusammengefasst, handelt es sich hierbei um zwei Hälften EIN und DERSELBEN Seele, die zu Anbeginn der Zeit in absolut harmonischer Koexistenz lebten. Selbst als wir uns als Seelen von DER Quelle an sich abspalteten, um uns letztendlich zu individualisieren, waren wir unverändert eins. Jede ...
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