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Human Deception (I)

Human Deception (I) - According to Rudolph Steiner, a renowned Austrian anthroposophist, social reformer, architect and esotericist, mankind not only exists of human beings but entities that resemble us humans but actually have nothing whatsoever in common with us. By the way, that theory of his was published as early as in 1923! Is such if at all still valid today, you wonder? See for yourself and closely look around - in this very time and age. What would you call the majority of our fellow men and women? Sleep- walking, absentminded, confused zombies perhaps or rather drones and minions just like depicted in George Orwell's famous book 1984? Let me point out again, in the year 1923 Steiner already introduced his controversial concept of demons living among us to his mesmerized audience. In the light of modern nowadays science fiction culture commonly nourished through both movies and books, this revolutionary idea does no longer upset people's mindsets. Therefore, the question as to whether we have slowly but surely been prepared with respect to accepting this form of dark reality after all appears to be both logical and legitimate. I definitely would like to believe so. Those beings described by Steiner copy us physically and have by now even formidably adapted to our social ways pretending they care about morals, rules and commandments. In reality, though, they just possess a human shell but are entirely soulless and with that naturally conscience- less. Emotions are merely feigned and then only to a certain degree for the sole purpose of blending in. In Faculty Meetings: 1922- 1924 Rudolph Steiner claims that those empty human- like shells turn to ashes once they are dead with just no soul ascending from their corpses and transcending on to the Hereafter. He consequently labels them demons that take on the human physique to basically deceive, misguide and ultimately lure and sustainably steer us away from any spiritual advancement. I have got to admit that I am honestly intrigued that someone like Steiner would be as undauntedly outspoken as to toy with a notion such as demons and hybrids 94 years ago already! How incredibly progressive and inarguably completely up my alley! Nonetheless, the by no means inconsiderable summary of experience that I have been able to gather based both on rather personal as well as multiply otherwise published accounts during the last thirty years or so has eventually shaped my opinion to that point where it essentially differs from Steiner's outlook, even though, overall, I shall keep holding his theories high. First of all, I am a firm and unswerving believer in God and therefore cannot concur with regard to the idea of HIM permitting soulless entities to roam on one and the same plane with us. In his book Destiny Of Souls, the accomplished author of several bestsellers and most renowned and highly- respected psychologist, hypnotherapist and founder of The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy, Dr. Michael Newton leans on numerous clients' accounts according to which exclusively HE is in charge of new souls being created as well as irreversibly fallen ones being broken up and reassembled or occasionally even eternally destroyed. So, in this very sense, if HE is in absolutely omnipotent control, why on earth would HE allow soulless entities to mingle with us interfere, deter, disrupt and mislead us if it clearly is HIS desire that we work through all of our Karmic motions and ultimately return to the all comprising unity which we once so selfishly broke away from and abandoned exercising nothing but our free will? You might want to agree that such a thought just does not make much sense, does it? However, what resounds with me perfectly well in this special context is the vast differences in soul- levels which we are becoming aware of ever the more. Bear in mind, a brand- new soul comes into this world completely raw, untreated and just as basic as can be. Hence, the impression or rather the perception may easily arise that that species of newbies indeed arrives without a soul. I have crossed paths with quite a few level- zero souls on various occasions, and yes, they do seem equipped with hardly any emotions. Also, they seem to take no interest in spiritual progress itself. In their defense, why would they considering the amount of obstacles and tasks they were dished out for their first earthly run? Steiner, however, was certainly not wrong at all calling too many among us demons even if for somewhat different reasons which I would like to illustrate in detail next time.  


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