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Make US Great Again (II)

Make US Great Again (II) - Hello and welcome back to my blog! I hope that everyone had a fantastic and memorable Thanksgiving here on this side of the earth. - All right, if parents and teachers function as primary role- models, something they are inarguably supposed to do, their offspring and students usually follow in their footsteps in behavioral regards, at least technically speaking, right? Well, to a large extent, this truth does apply after all except for possibly dormant mental disruptions which may either be genetically predisposed or even taught through imitation, e.g. peer- pressure with strong environmental characteristics. Therefore, no matter how we want to twist and turn the entire matter, in the end, it essentially all comes down to a child's origin, home and upbringing. - To be quite honest, I deem today's local youth as overall shallow, egotistic, ignorant, uncommunicative, lazy, and flat- out immature. But then one look at those kids' parents is often enough to leave me shaking my head in disbelief and utter dismay just once more. No, don't you worry, I shall never forget what we guys were like +30 years ago which was basically not all that gloriously different, I'm afraid. However, we all eventually exceeded and put behind us that typical and infamous "young- equals- dumb" phase and well, finally grew up. All those years before, we had been well- equipped with a diverse set of useful tools by our predecessors and elders which proved to come in ever the handier. Hereby I am referring to basic values such as good manners, tact, tolerance, sensitivity, acceptance, compassion, and understanding. I agree, ALL is indeed wildly exaggerated, but still in a collective sense, the majority delightfully advanced from adolescence to adulthood. I find it rather interesting, though that for instance throughout Europe my generation's children have turned out noticeably different from the ones on this continent. This certainly raises the question why? Again, I look to their parents in the first place, and voilà, the answer seems to be staring me right in the face. I have come to realize that most adults here have never grown up themselves and are thus still caught in the mindset of a child. Well, pretty much like children, those folks often strongly refuse to follow any rules or etiquettes, nor do they feel like pursuing proper or good manners without being rewarded one way or another which is to be considered entirely immature and rather superficial on their part. Gladly, I can say that I have made the acquaintance of lots of decent, mature and grown- up people here as well, but sadly, there are overall just too many negative cases. Until I decided to live here, I had never experienced so much superficiality, BS, heartache and phoniness as far as supposed friendships that over and over turn out to be anything but that ever before in my entire 40 years! Let me tell you, just unreal! That kind of folks is plain- out rude, disrespectful, reckless, ignorant, phony, arrogant, tactless, two- faced, deceitful, and shallow which up to this very day just takes my breath away! Well, as a fairly logical consequence, what are their children, grand- and great- grand children expected to show in behavior? Exactly, pretty much the same sort of conduct which is all too often incredibly immature and altogether ridiculously childlike. Just words and no actions whatsoever also comes to my mind with respect to that. Not cool by any means! This, however, begs just another question of why so if it is at times totally different elsewhere? I am not sure, but I, for myself, can not and will never approve of a hopelessly faithless society that just does not care for anything or anyone anymore. As a matter of fact, all human beings need certain restrictions, rules, laws and also a clear understanding of consequences as well as religious and/ or spiritual guidance. We can't just allow ourselves to do whatever and whenever we want and live as if there were no tomorrow with just no one around to look out for. In my opinion, the absolute worst one can ever truly preach and practice is indifference towards their follow- men and -women. We need to finally return to our spiritual roots and reconnect with our inner selves before reaching out to others with truly heartfelt respect and love. Turning our backs onto each other just drives us further and deeper into dangerous separation and egoistic mutations of individualism. Consider and live according to the saying: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or "Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do to any other person" and understand the power of reciprocating. To the young folks out there, let this be a lesson to you as you, too, may be granted the privilege of turning old one day and will likely need the help of someone else one day. Follow the simple Karmic rule as to which you will get what you deserve. Thus act kindly and compassionately to expect similar treatment to be returned to you. To the older generations, well, even though, it is, in fact, never too late to start all over again, please, do not fall for the wide- spread illusion of finding answers or even absolution in church for Karma does and will certainly not stop at their doors, nor can it be bribed or moulded according to your personal wishes. After all, we shall reap what we sow, no matter what. 


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