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Cause And Effect

Cause And Effect - Good morning sweet divided world! - I am positive, pretty much the entire globe is still in utter shock about this election's outcome - of course, for completely opposite reasons. Within my 50 years around, I have to admit I have indeed never experienced anything alike before in terms of suspense which literally kept me glued to the boob tube until the wee hours of the next day. Hence, the business mogul Donald Trump, who was generally handled like an unworthy underdog and a pure joke at best, last but not least rose as THE dark horse, and after seven hours of absolutely nerve- racking nail biting coverage he finally managed to carry the victory away over his opponent . Congrats on that for that man had shown stamina and effort which still stuns me considering both his age and his fierce uphill battle mentality! Alone from this point of view, this sensational victory is indisputably well deserved. - Alright, so Donald Trump won after an exciting race, which over long stretches could indeed not have been any tighter, against all odds and if you will also against all predictions, hopes, expectations, etc. mostly on part of truly inclined democratic fans. According to the proverb, "Slow and steady wins the race", his gradually increasing numbers in votes not just defied but ultimately crushed and obliterated all those long- term broken- in norms established by the media and other influential, and what's more, highly manipulative bodies. - In all this hot mess of political aftermath that is erupting now all across the country, the significance of the Law of Cause and Effect which is hereby coming into full effect is clearly underscored. Let me ensure you, it would be the furthest from my mind to poke around in the still very fresh wounds of those who whole- heartedly supported the losing side. I am rather convinced, it would just be the same on the other end of the spectrum had they won. - However, what I can't help spotting in this confrontation is undoubtedly the reactions to the preceding actions. No question whatsoever, Donald Trump may embody much, a lot of which is to be evaluated as definitely off the charts and thus totally unacceptable. Furthermore, even though he may quite lack the demeanor, eloquence, political experience and rhetorical skills of a president the way others do, he has at least always spoken from the bottom of his heart. The undeniable fact alone that he would easily fill stadiums and gigantic auditoriums all over the place with 20 to 30 K of folks per event flocking in just to hear and see him, spoke impressive volumes. Those were primarily middle class Janes and Johns who had become sick and tired of being treated like the doormats of the nation. - We need to understand one major issue in all of this. Those are actually the ones that form the pillar of the American society. Without the working middle class this country would not exist. It is just that simple! The little man and the little woman carry almost all the weight and have been slaves to the other side which, of course, most willingly demands and takes their hard earned money so they can pursue and sustain a lavish life- style. The democratic idea of establishing Welfare with all its by now super- cancerous growth was thrown on their plates in the very first place. Not willing at all to move one single inch in order to counteract this extremely blown- out- of- proportion institution by correcting it adequately, the middle class is being bled to death by ever surging revenues while the rich ones, who funnily happen to be Democrats, are still watching inert and shamelessly stretching the limits. This just cannot go well forever! Pensions are slowly chipped away, Social Security is inevitably running out, taxes are relentlessly increased while Welfare is flourishing ever the more for thousands of people who should not even be eligible, to begin with. How far do they - the corrupt establishment - think they can seriously take this charade? Right, just like an elastic band, it all must tear at one point, and this moment has finally come. In the renowned business tycoon the middle class has found their knight in shining armor who is willing to go through fire for each and everyone of them. Do you blame them? Well, I don't. - There are many different problems that need to be tackled and lastly removed. Besides Welfare, this country does indeed have a severe crisis on their hands regarding illegal immigration, and it just can't be that the current president defiantly acts beyond his legal responsibility and allows gazillions of immigrants to come into this nation freely when I, for example, was given a tough time plus was charged $4 K to receive a green card. Unfathomably, over and over again mankind seems to just incorrigibly be falling for the same old concept of excluding a special ethnic group or race. This is truly very sad as by now we should definitely have evolved considerably. However, and this is striking just another cord as far as this country's myriad of issues, especially in times of global terror on the rise, I consider it rather unwise to import thousands of refugees primarily from countries that clearly oppose America and its way of life among whom is rather inevitably hiding a smaller or larger fraction of actual male Dschihadists that are willing and thrilled to bring doom over any infidel here. This clearly being Europe's hideous intention and goal to populate the continent with migrating Muslims as a direct result of declining birth numbers, the same destiny is sadly also looming over the US as well as other nations. This, though the American middle class refuses to accept, and their bearer of hope has in fact reiterated to keep exactly this from happening. Change is overdue, folks, as can even be seen from an astrological angle. The time is here to break open old and outgrown establishment- ruled standards and replace them with peaceful humanitarian approaches, the only way we will be able to overcome racism and inequalities for good. - Back to Hillary Clinton, who rather transparently proved to be anything but a people person unlike Bernie Sanders. He should have been backed up by his disloyal party for, hands down, he would have been the clear favorite and victor of this election. Coming from a socialist country myself, I fully get what his followers were and are still expecting, but to be honest, I can't see this drastic shift for this country just yet. Folks, socialism is in fact so much more complex from what you may think you know, and besides, socialism requires a fully functioning and tight workforce which would just not allow a corrupt welfare system like yours to be pulled along. Everyone is supposed to put in their share work- wise, and without their contribution there is simply no long- term benefits or medical coverage. So unless all of you who are protesting so passionately at night and sleep it off right through the morning while the "deplorable" and dumb middle class struggles to keep up with the pace of that insane rat race, are not willing to change your ways, please do me a favor and shut up about socialism. - Let me return to the Democrats once more. I don't think it was the best idea to drop Bernie Sanders after his outstanding series of successful preliminaries and put Hillary Clinton in sole charge. After all, his supporters were left in the lurch basically over night and never felt they were seriously welcomed by a phony and deceitful woman who wanted the presidency so badly that she just half- heartedly and dishonestly brushed them off. Bernies' fans said they would not go along with Hillary's line, and I am sure, they are even more infuriated now that she lost the election on top. Sorry, but this was definitely not the best of chess moves, and the consequences are now displaying right in front of our eyes. Bernie's intentions were absolutely pure, genuine and respectable whereas Hillary's primary intention was to become the first female president of the USA at any cost. Well, here we go, Cause and Effect at its clearest, would you not agree? - Anyway, a final word to all those self- righteous rioters out there who will most likely not stop any time soon. It was your privilege to make use of your constitutional right to vote, and I dearly hope you did cast your vote because if not, you just have no right in the world to comment either way, let alone take to the streets and demand that Trump be dumped. You remind me of spoilt rotten brats who are quite evidently ignoring the fact that America has just rightfully voted their new president. It simply does not work this way that you just go out into the streets and demand this majority choice to be reversed in favor of the losing candidate who promised to keep granting you just more of the same old conveniences in life. So get alive and cut this crap out at last!                      


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