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The Aftermath Of The Refugee Crisis

The Aftermath Of The Refugee Crisis - Welcome back to my blog! - According to several credible sources, 640 K refugees mainly from Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria have been pushing into Europe alone in 2015, and this year is not even over yet. One thing for sure, this has just been the beginning which signifies millions more will be following and changing everything. At present, most refugees are housed in tents, are poorly fed and given blankets, jackets, boots and of course money. Winter is just around the corner, but that gigantic stream of refugees, still willing to leave everything behind in their native countries and start all over again somewhere in Europe, is continually flowing in with no signs to cease up any time soon. Even if more states accepted those exceedingly large numbers of asylum seekers, the majority of those dwarf nations would in fact get overrun and be helplessly swamped by this unprecedented mass migration. Slovenia is at its limits as far as people capacity with only 2 million inhabitants. So are several smaller islands in the Aegis which still form the latest escape route after Hungary finally closed their borders a few weeks back. In the wake of a looming mass- scale overpopulation simply nobody is prepared for such an overpowering influx not even the giants among the EU states such as France or Germany. There have been daily reports of riots which mostly stem from many refugees' discontentment and disappointment with respect to being stuck into tents and having to manage without electricity and running water. What's more, garbage is piling up quickly which the different host countries have to dispose of before the situation gets out of hand for once and all. The sanitary conditions are just appalling, to say the least! The fact that there are just not enough outhouses and porta potties forces hundreds and thousands of stranded folks to do their business all over the place like animals as was the case at Hungarian cemeteries. We are not even talking about washing and showering facilities as such would most certainly appear to be the way more luxurious form of camping. Don't get me wrong, this is neither those people's nor the hosts' fault as nobody is ever prepared for such radical migrational inundation. Of course, I can only speak for my home country Austria, and no surprise there either as I am getting rather conflicting accounts of how those poor folks are lodged there. Most of them are said to be in solidly built refugee homes or in provisionally set up indoor places, but by now they, too, are bursting at their seams. I have been told that the solidarity among Austrians is overall great and that most are trying to chip in wherever and however they can. Still, this delicate situation seriously begs the question how we Europeans are going to proceed in the future. No fences or walls in the world will ever be able to hold back those humongous masses of people walking on foot which clearly implies that there is in fact NOTHING that could stop them from marching on. Any resistance will proverbially be futile. Sorry if I sound like a moron, but to me this longterm notion is truly scary! Let us just for a moment hypothetically assume that one day the wars are over in those countries and all those refugees could finally migrate back. Do you seriously believe for a split second that after living years in some socialist paradise anyone wants to voluntarily return to their homes which are most probably in shambles, looted or burnt down anyway? Quite likely no, I would say. Would you honestly blame them for not wanting to? As I just indicated, that interim period between flight and return might easily take up years if not decades, and in the end the gain would consequently equal zero for either side. All those war riddled third world trouble spots will eventually become vacant and rather grossly underpopulated while wealthy continents like Europe, Australia and North- America will end up being completely and helplessly overpopulated. It doesn't take rocket science to see an avalanche of ungovernable issues coming our way over time due to sudden over- density resulting in horrific imbalances at last. The Christian dominance as the trademark of the European occident will eventually be subdued to the Islamic belief which means our women will be enslaved, humiliated and hidden behind Burkas, girls despicably spat on and mass- raped, boys idolized like future kings and men worshipped like gods. Imbalance as we all know just leads to more of the same, and this will be extremely hard to overcome once entirely out of alignment. 


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