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Heaven Or Hell - Your Choice

Heaven Or Hell - Your Choice - Good morning everyone! - In the wake of the latest terrorizing events worldwide, it is becoming even more volatile which of the two polarities Heaven or Hell to favor in life both on an individual and on a collective level. The latter one appears to be merely coincidental but is actually anything but accidental since it strictly follows Karmic guidelines which are just not consciously accessible to us. Therefore the greatest problem of all clearly reveals to be not remembering anymore why we happen to be born into a peaceful or a rather war- prone society. As souls we simply need to forget, otherwise most of us would not be willing to actually walk the talk even though at soul level each and everyone is given multiple choices as far as future incarnations are concerned and in fact chooses within their free will range. Collective Karma is extremely complex and multi- layered often dating back thousands of years. An ideal example is to be found in the current clashes between the Muslim and the Christian world. Collectively speaking, many of us are presently facing reversed roles by having to experience what it's like to be the victims for a change. As Crusaders we might have partaken in the senseless killings of thousands of innocent Muslims, all in the name of our God. Well, guess what, now it's time to pay our Karmic debts by accepting that we are presently being persecuted and victimized by a group of most radical Islamists. The so- called collective mentioned in this content definitely refers to a rather generally widespread subconscious connectivity which almost like a gigantic tarp blankets various singular divergent and yet intricately interrelated collective forms and levels of conflict. Let's assume I was at one point one of numerous strong advocates of the Crusaders and even made it my personal mission to join that barbarian army which was mainly known for plundering, looting, burning, raping, and slaughtering their way into the Orient ultimately causing an even more atrocious bloodbath there for the sole purpose of converting Muslims into Christians, why would I not be exposed to rather similar conditions nowadays? What would make me think that I was in a secure place embedded in a relatively safe society when I used to be among the perpetrators myself back then? Remember, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Karmically, this translates into a life for a life - that's it. Thus we are all very well advised to learn rather sooner than later that in fact every single action, no matter how small or insignificant we think it might be, automatically calls for an adequate counter action or reaction. Thousands of Jews that got killed before and during WWII are back again in massively large collective colonies to generously teach all those who victimized them back then a valuable but peaceful lesson about the worth of life. However, all those former Nazis will certainly not get out of having to collectively pay back in the fairly same coinage one day. We always reincarnate in micro groups such as family and friends' circles and at the same time in several macro clusters. No doubt, the fact that our Karmic past is usually not all that easily accessible to us due to temporarily forgetting, makes all of our collective incarnations look pretty random and coincidental. Don't be fooled, it has all been forged out most sophisticatedly and down to the last detail by God Himself. Hence it becomes quite difficult, to say the least, to create collective Heaven if things around you clearly indicate the exact opposite. Individually, however, we should - regardless of any potentially negative collective Karma - be able to generate Heaven in our conscience, at least sporadically. This inevitably begs the question whether this is all just another way of reducing everything to exclusively black and white? Most certainly, it is! However, terms like Heaven and Hell still sound and feel way better than just sticking to the so narrow- minded concept of Purgatory for we still have a clear choice. I personally have no problem with the terminology of purgatory as it not only appears to be a much better fit with regard to life in general, but it also presents itself as a form of precursor as to whether we are ultimately willing to develop the required elevated and spiritually cleansed mindset for Heaven. Needless to say, no one is born either a true and immaculate saint or an irreversibly condemned sinner but is rather gradually evolving into one or the other throughout the eons. After all, only by choice we once opted to separate from the divine source of perfect oneness for the sake or experiencing what the being of polarity was actually like. As a result, with every new incarnation we face the same old irritations, choices, turmoils, discrepancies, temptations and obstacles through polarities even though we will eventually learn to overcome separation and pull back into oneness again. More next week.          


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