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One Soul And So Many Facets (I)

One Soul And So Many Facets - Hi everyone! Sorry but due to the overwhelming workload this past week, I have not been able to catch up with you any sooner. - "She's been changing quite a bit" or "He's just not the same anymore" are statements I'm pretty sure we all use once in a while. However, as true as this feels in itself, we occasionally tend to forget that most of us are by no means excluded from that ominous change. The explanation for this phenomenon being, we apparently don't see it on us. Astrologically speaking, we are born on a specific day, place and time which defines our sun sign. Following the traditional Western astrological model, we are somewhere between Aries and Pisces depending on the month of our arrival. That's by far not it yet, though. Along with the primary zodiac distinction, we may also want to figure out our second sign. The Ascendant describes the rising (ascendancy) of the zodiac on the most eastern horizon at the time of our birth. Never having been satisfied with any of the countless overly generic horoscopes, I took matters into my own hands one day and made it my mission to finally teach myself the art of Astrology. It just doesn't make sense at all to produce 12 randomly varying daily, weekly, monthly or yearly horoscope predictions and not take the myriad of colorful diversity into consideration. Instead we are just stupidly and superficially categorized which leads me to believe that this is in fact one of the major reasons why Astrology has largely become that badly ill- reputed. Let me point out a few rather important facts as far as Astrology goes. First of all, there are three different 10- day periods per astrological sign, the first, the second and the third decade. This implies that for instance an early Capricorn (Dec. 22nd - 31st) very well differs from someone born between January 1st- 10th and much more even from a person whose birthday is anywhere between January 11th and January 20th. Secondly, even those born on the same day, in the very same place and at the exact same time will doubtlessly show differences regarding their elementary (Fire, Water, Earth and Air) and qualitative (Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable) distribution. Thirdly, the 12 houses are, of course, differently occupied by the 12 planets and points which represent the 12 zodiacs either in domiciled or exiled position. Alone this fact gives the whole dimension another significant spin when it comes to displaying our endless diversities in characteristics. What's more, the various aspects between the planets definitely become another major key- player as far as variations are concerned. Last but not least, there's our second sign, the so- called Ascendant or AC which any individual birth, lunar, solar, etc. horoscope picture (radix, radices - Latin for root) automatically starts with. Now picture this, the very same way as the sun, the AC shakes up or rather adds on to the entire concoction even more, not just referring to its position in one of the 12 houses plus 12 signs but even the more through its own aspects to all the other planets around. WOW, you might feel tempted to exclaim at this point, and you know what, you're absolutely right! Astrology may still be viewed as an original dérivant of the sister discipline Astronomy at its best but is often said to lack scientific proof since frequently interpreted as a merely coincidental star-  telling way of prophesying. In truth though, the crux with coincidences is that no such thing actually exists. Therefore, in astrology it is clearly ALL subject to a meticulously thought- through cosmic order by a Divine source which we may call God, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Jesus, Manitou, etc. Astrology does certainly reflect way more than just some mathematical calculations. It truly reveals a considerably impressive well of diverse characteristics and facets only an entity as complex and diverse as the soul itself is capable of displaying. More about how to read into that at a later point in time. Now let's return to the opening statements of how basically everyone - us included- seemingly changes over the years. Why is there so much truth in a claim like this one, you may wonder? Well, the primary or rather sun sign dominates a person's nature for about half of their life. Let's assume, someone is a solid mid- decade Capricorn, and their Ascendant (AC) represents a different sign such as Gemini. He or she will more or less show the typical features associated with Capricorn up to his or her 30s. By then, however, things have oddly started to slightly shift, even though the changes have not broken through just yet. Weird, one may say, and yet deep down inside that person just knows and feels that they are somewhat off a tat or two. So, the further up in age they get, the more their confusion grows. What's actually happening now is indeed an ever the more noticeable change over to the second sign which is Gemini in that suggested case. The AC has always stood for how that person wants to be perceived by the world. Unless the AC is the same sign as the sun sign, this wish is now slowly but surely coming true. Our Capricorn with AC in Gemini is in fact gradually becoming someone else, however, without entirely stripping off their old skin. Now that individual is basically on the verge of being reborn within their original mould and about to create a new layer. 


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