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Meditation (I)

Meditation (I) - Hello everyone! - Before getting into the vast field of meditation, let me quickly refer to a question on Parallel Worlds which I was asked just a few days ago. The question went somehow like this: "Okay, I live in X as person Y. Is it likely that there's a second place just like X with another me/ Y anywhere else?" Well, I've got to admit that option sounds fairly intriguing and equally flattering, but I very much doubt the existence of an identical mirror image world with perfectly 1:1 Doppelgangers. Primarily for the sake of our very unique and individual soul experiences (Karma), I can't but exclude this case as most unlikely. In my opinion, the wish for a double of oneself is just a logical reflection of our yearning to be reunited with our long lost Soul Twins. - Okay, now finally back to meditation. Meditation is usually associated with a weird triple combination of sitting, breathing and pondering practice mainly pursued by some weirdos who call themselves masters, yogis, gurus, etc. These and other misleading concepts often go hand in hand not just with the being of meditation itself but also the most commonly advertised practices. "You'll see, it's gonna take years and years", I was lectured by some arrogant jackass more than 30 years ago. "Besides, it's definitely not something for everyone." That stupid remark left its negative mark on me back then and actually confirmed the general opinion about meditation. This wouldn't change until I started hanging out with a group of young peers at university, none of whom was by any means considered a master as of yet, but instead eager, curious and open- minded enough to try out new and allegedly "weird" stuff along the way. Only then I was beginning to realize that there was absolutely nothing mystifying, obtrusive, infeasible or plainly nuts about meditation. Of course, like with most newly adopted skills, the process of getting used to and good at something takes a while, but this is nothing anyone couldn't pick up over time. Alright, so we just learnt that basically everybody is fit for at least some meditation unless they are mentally disabled or don't show any patience at all. With the help of relaxing music of which there's an abundant selection out there, you may be able to shut off your constantly busy mind and block out any unwanted or disturbing external interferences the easiest way. Music like anything else consists of waves and invisibly oscillates its way right into our brains where it docks on to the areas also known to release endorphins and serotonin. Once the conscious part of our brain is more or less flooded with soothing waves of relaxation, we are in fact more willing to grant access to our Subconscious which has collected an impressive plethora of information throughout the eons of time. In other words, as soon as we've managed to naturally calm down with the assistance of our own biochemicals, the chemicals our own bodies produce, we may at least in theory obtain any answer to any question, however not the way we're used to. The language of the Higher Self, THE authority in play or the spokesperson for the Subconscious, is clearly one that we've got to get used to. Instead of simple and logical answers, expect rather unclear responds based on sensations in the shape of sounds, colors, smells or even visuals. Just go with your gut feeling and trust your instincts a 100%. Rest assured, your intuition has always been there but also needs to be attuned just like a musical instrument. Practice as often as you can and feel like it, and you will already notice a difference after a couple of weeks, for sure. No need to devotedly clip off an hour or more off your precious daily routines. 10 to 20 minutes are just as effective. What's more, don't be too hard on yourself if you can't relax at the drop of a hat. Keep in mind, there are better and worse days, and meditation certainly doesn't create an exception here either. - Chanting (e.g. OHM) is another promising vehicle to rather swiftly lead you straight into the world of meditation. The secret of chanting lies in the repetitive pattern of words and (half) sentences, so- called Mantras, which automatically lowers the brain waves from an alert Alpha to a laid- back Beta to a very relaxed Delta and possibly even tethering on the border of Theta, the deepest to unconscious tranquility possible. - Affirmations, which ought to be exclusively positive at all times, serve almost like behavioral reminders that life is indeed good and that gratitude, humbleness, appreciation, respect, and love are the ultimate enhancers to gradually develop bliss and happiness within yourself. By slowly steering into that true and sincere feeling of overall appreciation towards life, we will ultimately become one with THE DIVINE SOURCE itself and thus find much more than inner peace. - Pictures, paintings, drawings, and so on are also a good means to eventually change over from the HERE and NOW into the INFINITE ALL. Landscapes and other scenic depictions are said to work the best, but should you rather feel drawn to specific portraits or photos of other people, please go ahead and give it a try. As a matter of fact, your Subconscious always knows best where to lead you to, so just hand over the control and trust your inner guidance. I've even heard of folks who prefer to use pictures of trucks or houses to successfully step into meditation. Anything is of help as long as you follow your intuition and stick to it. - Guided procedures are another rather popular form of meditation. Tons of self- proclaimed healers as well as starry- eyed idealists seem to pop up by the thousands these days, and they market their products by adding their own voices which is believed to lead whoever, especially beginners right into and through their meditations. On the flip side, this makes it very hard to tell the good from the bad ones. I personally distance myself from guided meditations in general as they tend to distract me more than guide me, but I'm sure others just love them. To each their own, I'd rather suggest in this regard. - Next week I'm going to discuss the advantages and benefits of meditation for the soul. 


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