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Parallel Worlds

Parallel Worlds - Good morning! - Recently a friend asked me whether there was such a thing as Parallel Universes or rather Parallel Worlds. I thought the question was a rather intriguing one because even though I absolutely believe in the existence of parallel worlds, I've never been asked this specific question before. Immediately I was taken back to that late Spring day in 1997 when I was experiencing a partial out- of- body occurrence. Up to then, I had not read anything about the soul possibly and randomly leaving the body, waking up in one's supposedly "familiar" surrounding on returning and yet not being able to move at all for a while, let alone even given any of this a serious thought. Anyway, that afternoon I had come home from school and lain down to take a short nap. After about an hour or so I was pretty certain that I had fully awoken already, and so I was trying to get up from my couch, but I couldn't - just yet. What on earth was happening? I was breathing normally and was looking around but couldn't move one single finger. Now, I really started to panic. Why was I suddenly paralyzed from top to toe? I didn't understand anything and was going to scream for help, but nothing seemed to come out of my mouth. My eyes were wide open, but strangely my vision proved to be rather blurry. As I was looking around assuming that I still had to be in my so familiar surrounding, I slowly started to question exactly that. Where the heck was I? All in all, it did look like my apartment, but a few details were plainly and simply off, and quite noticeably, too. When I vaguely spotted a dark and unspecified being seemingly standing further away from me than my attic studio would allow, I totally freaked out. In agonizing flight mode, I was desperately focusing on getting up after all but didn't get anywhere. I felt extremely heavy almost like having been pinned or rather pulled down by weights. Finally I was convinced to have been able to sit up only to realize that the one arm I was frantically staring at was blueish and transparent! I really thought I was sitting and had just turned around but instead I realized I was laying eyes on myself still lying on that couch of mine! That shock did it and instantaneously jolted me back into my physical shell. So, there I was again, or should I say still struggling to get moving and running away from that huge and ominous threat which kept slowly approaching me. After I had finally closed my eyes in surrender to basically give in to the fact that for whatever insane reason I was just not capable of escaping that childishly nightmarish monster, I actually did exactly that and finally freed myself from both that dark entity and my temporary paralysis. Weeks later I had another rather similar episode, but this time I was not chased by anything or anyone. Of course, I got nervous all over when slipping back into that scary cataleptic state after waking up from another afternoon rest, but somehow I was confident enough to trust that it would all end well again. So, despite my vision being anything but clear again, I started to curiously explore my surrounding by just moving my eyes. The surrounding I had thought of as definitely being my place didn't look so familiar after all. At first, I came to the conclusion that regardless of the overall great likeness there were several different objects and items that I clearly did not recognize as mine whatsoever. This really struck me as fairly odd but at the same time incredibly captivating. Then the door opened and "people" started to push their way into my apartment as if coming to a party. I didn't feel I knew anyone, but then I couldn't make out their faces anyway. Those folks, reminding me of faceless spirits rather, were not paying attention to me at all, and since I couldn't catch one single word of their eager conversations, I quickly grew overwhelmed and thus exited the lucid dream sequence. Months later, one of my friends told me that her boyfriend had been having the same kind of experience for years except that his catalepsy (temporary paralysis) usually lasted much longer than mine. As a consequence, I started reading specifically about this sort of phenomenon, and one day I rather accidentally stumbled across the fascinating topic of Parallel Worlds. It turned out that the surrounding I had found myself caught in during those strangely cataleptic half- awake trips was just one of several parallel forms of almost identical existences. The Beyond, too, is a credible replica of the locations we grew up and lived in even though slightly altered. Why this is, I do not know, but at least the places here somehow remind us of "Home". I also can't say for sure whether there are other physical dimensions out in the universe that resemble our planetary one. I would definitely not be surprised, though if some day physicists and astronomers discovered just that. However, on a spiritual and therefore non- physical level, I'm pretty certain of the existence of even more parallel worlds. Let me discuss a few next week. 


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