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Parallel Worlds (II)

Parallel Worlds (II) - Hello and welcome back to my blog! - Last week we were talking about the existence of more than just one world which we commonly know and refer to as our presently earthly one. Those who have willingly tried Astral Voyaging will be able to report about a multitude of realities, some of which are basically almost identical to our every- day one except for a few deviations. During the process of traveling bodiless, our physical eyes are not engaged at all, and as a result our vision is generally said to be pretty blurry, foggy and unclear. Just like an onion, we all consist of several different layers of which the physical shell is by far the densest and at the same time the most restrictive of all. While we truly believe to be able to see quite a lot, it's actually just a meagre 2% that we grasp visually. By us peeling out and detaching from our physical body for the purpose of exploring the Astral planes and realms, we'll be out for an entirely new experience as far as using our "other" or Third Eye. Fairly untrained, so to speak, it does not surprise to learn that one's vision needs some adjustment which might take some time if one doesn't know how to. However, it's really much easier than that. Just the simple and firm command "See clearly now" actually does the job well and instantaneously. Rather surprisingly, this command is also fully effective in blind people. Anyway, once this hurdle is taken, a completely new world opens up. Evidently looking strikingly similar at first sight, one's familiar surrounding quickly starts altering and bringing out all kinds of bizarre realities. As a matter of fact, the soul travels at light speed, and usually just one thought is enough to maneuver it from one point or from one reality to another in the fraction of a moment. What the different surroundings exactly look like is hard to describe and quite impossible to share with others. I assume, this primarily depends very much on our individual perception of realities in general. I'd like to think of this as a standard concerning our collective idea of what existences look like overall. - Just take the impressively vast world of nightly dreams. Provided, of course, we remember dreaming itself, our dream worlds are quite likely more different than we may anticipate. Some merely dream in black and white, while others depict weird and bizarre dream settings and plots. Lots of folks report about incredibly realistic and above all credibly cohesive story lines, and others claim their dreams are the result of solely surreal and non- sense fabrications. We all dream, and regardless of whether we recall our dreams or not, I dare say that not one dream is like the other. - Unlike dreams at night and therefore usually in a subliminal state of mind, day- dreaming occurs on a conscious level and entirely at our own will and is definitely pursued by everyone at some point with some dreaming along more often than others. To some extent that kind of reality equals what we experience on a daily base but may easily modify depending on the person's imagination. The more creative and imaginative someone is, the better the chance to "make up" lots and lots of detailed surroundings. - As I already mentioned last week, whoever has had a chance to get a fair taste of what the Beyond is like while still alive, however in a naturally comatose or temporarily unconscious state as a consequence of a severe accident or other medical emergencies, might want to confirm having returned from an abundantly colorful and most beautiful and serene reality. No doubt, not every single account reads exactly the same, but still the common denominator overwhelmingly seems to be peace, love and enlightenment. Needless to say, a child's perception will likely differ rather drastically from an adult's perception of one and the same place. - Hell or paradise on earth are commonly used idiomatic expressions. On various accounts I've been told that drugs - medical as well as recreational - are potent enough to produce all sorts of vivid sensations spanning from paradisiacal to hellish. Depending on the amount and sort of drugs, chemically induced trips can include sweet angelic beings or just the opposite scary devilish monsters. - Memories the way we tend to store and also recall them at any given time are often subdued to noticeable changes within our personal reality. This phenomenon surfaces whenever we talk about long lived moments to people who lived through and shared the same experiences. Perhaps for reasons of striving to feel better, we all tend to embellish and thus present past memories in a deliberately deceptive light. This, too, generates a new and false reality over time. - If only we could see more than the initially brought up 2%, I've heard many say. We would instantly be connected to an infinite range of realities at the same and in real time, wouldn't we? Well, as great as this idea appears, most of us would inevitably be overwhelmed in no time as all the simultaneous information at hand would just be too much to process for our small and limited minds. Only a very small minority is spiritually mature and mentally strong enough to stay grounded while looking behind the veil. Those masters not just see spirits but can also converse with them if they wish and are at perfect ease while traveling through realms that usually remain invisible to the rest of us. Meditation is clearly a helpful means should anyone seriously want to prepare to eventually venture off into other realities beyond theirs. Let me talk a little more about meditation and its advantages and benefits for the soul next week. 


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