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KARMA - Guilt And Atonement?

KARMA - Guilt And Atonement? - Generally speaking, Karma is often unjustly and irrationally associated with draconic punishment according to the very simplified biblical statement, "An Eye For An Eye, and a Tooth For a Tooth" which in a rather unvarnished way hits home like a straight arrow. Even though there lies a whole lot of unspoken truth in this ancient piece of wisdom which looms over mankind almost like an unfaltering warning of the self- fulfilling kind, Karma simply cannot be reduced to mainly being factually humanized. Karma is solely based on Cause and Effect strictly following the law of attraction and ultimately the law of equalization, nothing more, nothing less. Fairly unemotionally, it translates into, "You reap what you sow" or "You'll get what you call for".
We would clearly benefit from Karma could we just grasp the psychic dimension rather than the so unwaveringly pampered egotistic one. We may very well think of ourselves as the center of the entire universe, but in truth, we are nothing whatsoever without our soul. And I guess, this is what makes it so hard to comprehend what has been going on behind the veil - simply because we basically entirely lack awareness of our soul's journey. However, if we really sought to get to the bottom of it all, no doubt, we would eventually be revealed our very own path provided, of course, we believed in the existence of much more than we might assume in this generally so typically precocious and know- it- all manner. With respect to this matter, I have personally been surrounded by way more skeptics than believers pretty much my whole life, but this has only strengthened my conviction over the years.
Not only have I read a great deal, but I've also been lucky as to witness quite a bit myself. This has not just led me to believe but to trust that one way or another this is all absolutely true. - Again, the soul alone chooses its own path, its lives and its very personal way of dealing with consequences.
As I briefly explained last week already, the soul is never put under the impression of being deserted or ostracized by the Source. There will always be celestial support and someone to lend an ear, but still, it is completely at the soul's discretion to choose, decide and execute its free will. Any external influence or interference would very likely at some point blur our own vision and throw us off in the end. All those caring and loving spiritual counselors have long walked and finished their own journeys and are generous and patient enough now as to aid us with their precious advice. We should definitely listen to what they've got to say and what they suggest, but we won't learn unless we walk in our own shoes because we just can't progress without our own first- hand or rather hands- on experience. - Alright then, the soul picks the kind of life it feels fit enough to meet all the challenges down the road it requests or the time being. This might be a great or a less ideal decision, and the soul only is responsible for the outcome. In the course of hundreds or even thousands of years, we may have had countless lives, some of which were exceptional, others that were pretty neutral and some that we'd simply love to delete from our Karmic records if we only could. No question, just learning about troubled past existences in theory is much easier to digest or to suppress than actually reliving them in person. As cliché- dramatic as this may sound, but there's indeed a good chance that we may easily have turned from monsters into almost saint- like beings over time. After every completed lifetime - regardless of its actual destined length - the soul reviews its entirety of actions plus reactions before it goes about judging itself the most harshly of all. Here's a rather simple example of what Karma's role in all of this is. Let's assume, a soul undergoing its personal life- review some time in the Middle Ages came to understand that due to its irrevocable narrow- mindedness as a medical doctor, it had killed several patients. Deeply repenting the tragic loss of those lives, the soul then decided to make up for each single death by willingly offering to sacrifice an equal amount of future lives under very similar conditions and circumstances. This is Karma. There's not automatically any direct divine intervention needed or any other form of punishment requested since it all lies in the soul's own free choice to correct its own mistakes anyway. This is exactly what shapes a soul's personal Karma. What we pay in or rather deposit into our Karmic account all ends up on our Savings' side. The more consciously and sincerely positive deeds we plant, the better our account balance. Equally, the more deliberately negative actions we commit, the more we'll be owing on the Debit side at last. Not just every deed but actually every single word, thought, wish, etc. weighs. Once we come into this sort of every- day awareness, we will ultimately be able to influence our Karma positively. We only need to want to.  


  1. Therefore, is it correct to assume that as the soul travels from the vehicle known as the body it learns and remembers everything and passes it on to the next body?


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