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No Loyalty, No Compassion, No Love

No Loyalty, No Compassion, No Love - A big Hello to everyone! - Yesterday morning as we were driving by a local sign shop, we noticed that they were in the process of moving out. "No loyalty", my husband said, and I instantaneously began to wonder why he would say anything like that out of the blue. He then told me that those people had recently been ordered to move as the owners next door needed the extra space for themselves. Okay, I just couldn't quite figure out the disloyal part yet. Only after hearing the entire story, did I finally begin to understand. After all that time, several years in fact, of having shared one and the same building, the sign shop was given a note to leave more or less immediately. Hm, not much loyalty there at all, I guess. After all, that business had reliably been paying rent for 12 years. Now the only Thank You they got was a letter of eviction. No Thanks for having been so loyal themselves, no Thanks for having drawn so much business into the landlord's place, a business as well, no Thank You for anything, but instead a formal request to basically beat it. To be honest, rather sad as the conversational level appears to have been somewhat missing there as a possible link. - The other day, my hubby shared some details of an absolutely disturbing video which he had seen on TV. A dog got run over on a very busy main street somewhere in Bangladesh whereupon another canine came to its rescue by dragging his injured buddy onto the shoulder little by little. Had it not been for that brave stray dog, the other animal would most likely still be lying there and been flattened multiple times. Then they showed a child which had been hit many times. Nobody got out of their cars, and lots of pedestrians did not even bother stopping and helping either. On the contrary, the severely injured child had to take several more direct hits by reckless and ignorant drivers until some woman finally showed mercy and pulled the boy away from the street although it was way too late. I felt like throwing up. What kind of monstrous society has mankind metamorphosed into? Animals help each other while we look aside on purpose when we are needed the most? All very heartbreaking, disgusting and sad at the same time! It looks to me as if we've truly lost all compassion for one another. In a large European field study back in the late 80s or early 90s, one of the public experiments was to put people's civil courage and their level of compassion to the test. Therefore a team of actors staged a rape scene in bright day light and in the middle of bustling metropolitan areas. 98% didn't think it was necessary to even stop, let alone confront the attackers or perhaps call the police. Only 2% took it on themselves to actively intervene by demonstrating physical force or by getting immediate help. Most of the 98% asked later on reasoned that they had had no intention of showing any involvement whatsoever for fear of getting in trouble. Really, what kind of trouble could that possibly have been had they called the cops? Some even dropped stupid and incredibly tasteless remarks as they were walking by. "She's a slut and deserves it" or "So what, she must have brought this all upon herself " are just two examples. How sad is this?! - Just today we learnt on TV that many married and other couples lack affection entirely. That one woman claimed that she had not been kissed by her spouse in 12 years. The last time they shared a kiss was on their wedding day. Wow! If this is true, I should seriously stop questioning why so many kids today are running around like emotionless zombies or cruel bullies. We must not starve ourselves of compassion and love ever! Instead we need to remember and remind ourselves as well as teach each other to care, respect and love one another. Come on, let's start today rather than tomorrow for tomorrow may never come.


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