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That's BS!

That's BS! I am livid, and this is actually an understatement! About two weeks ago the Town sent someone over to deliver a warning notice. Obviously surprised to see me standing on the front porch, that man finally got out of his truck and confronted me with the news that #1 we had no permit for our set- up pool and #2 we needed a fence around it. I have to admit, my reaction was anything but sweet. "Is that right?", I asked, grabbed that neon- green slip of paper, turned on my heel and wished him a good one. That's when he added that I should go to their web page and check it out in case I had a few more questions. Now I exploded because I just couldn't help thinking that someone must have recently blown the whistle on us. I pointed at the For Sale sign and let him know that that was the reason we were trying to get away from NY. I concluded that I had had it with all those stupid and hideous permits, supposedly to keep the kids save. Whose kids, I wonder? We live in a quiet and quaint neighborhood mainly inhabited by seniors! No doubt, the actual reason is to collect another hidden tax! Why do they think we are all stupid? Anyway, we looked into the paperwork required to fill out and submit. Okay, are you ready for this BS? First, some expert (expert, my butt!) stops by and makes sure you don't violate a number of ... , exactly more regulations according to which you've got to be ten feet away from your septic tank as well as any solid structure. Step two involves an electrical inspection by a certified state electrician (really?) who looks into the electric set- up for your pump. If all of this is approved, you will have to install a 42- inch high fence because - ready for this one?- a child may puncture the vinyl siding and drown! Give me a break! Do you have any idea how much this fun ride will cost you? At least $350! I'm not stupid nor did I marry an imbecile, so guess what. Yep, they can shove their pool permit deep! As I'm writing this, my hubby and his brother are taking the pool down. And now to that building inspector who happens to be presently working around the corner as a new house is being built and who has notified the Town because he does not like my husband. If this nice man truly believes that he's winning, I'd like to reassure him that he has very well pissed into our cornflakes but in the end won't get his way as we are not going to pay for this ridiculous permit. Sure, this incident has turned my mood sour, but so what, we are not going to stay here much longer anyway. As a matter of principle though, I'd like to ask those folks the simple question who they think they can fool. Why not come clean and be honest about their intentions? The Empire, or should I rather say the Vampire State is quite apparently in dire need of more money even though home owners are relentlessly taxed to their breaking point already by raising the school budget another 2 to 5% every other year. Honestly, it's just no pleasure anymore to live and own a house here. They are deliberately taking all the fun out of it and instead blast us with even more permits and new regulations. We are constantly asked to swallow more and more financial burdens. How much longer, I wonder, until the people start fighting back? - Let me think, if you need a permit for blow- up kiddie pools and set- up pools, what will be taxed next? How about introducing a permit for our barbecue? After all, a child might touch it and get burnt. So why not put a fence around that, too after checking out the electrical supply and having us pay hundreds of additional dollars per capita? Just an idea.


  1. you are right it is all over money money and more money and tax tax tax with ny!!! it is so bad you can't do anything on your own property with out some kind of permit or another....but they also don't want to use the tax money we pay to fix dangerous holes in roads and streets or deteriorating drainage holes so us citizens don't fall into them and get seriously hurt and have to have emergency surgery and plates and screws in their body such as myself on july 4th here in johnstown, ny...and of course the city wants your taxes, fees and everything else but don't want to pay for a pain and suffering when they are neglecting the roads and streets....


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