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Harmony in Sound and Color   Everything in our vast universe is entrenched and embedded in energetic fields. So are we by the way. Anywhere we stand, sit, lie, walk to, drive, etc. there is energy. There's just no way to get away or be spared from it ever. However, it is clearly not beyond our control how we create and add on to it, and what we ultimately make of it. Sure, places revealing natural energy fields are to be regarded as exceptions even though to some extent they, too, are susceptible to slight alternations through us. Now, you may wonder, what exactly am I talking about here?
Well, I'm referring to invisible energetic fields which we all constantly create, enforce, change or break at times consciously and sometimes unknowingly. As a rule, negative thoughts leave concentrations behind that are negative. Likewise, positive input generates positive outcome.
Primarily in our own homes as well as at our workplaces we tend to enhance and strengthen all those energetic patches around us by repetitive positive and/ or negative thoughts and deeds.
Let's say, someone is used to praying a lot, and their homes are hosts to much laughter and joy, the energies there usually flow freely and with few or no restrictions. I find it interesting that this kind of species tends to use more vibrant colors than others do. What's more, the kind of music played in those places often sounds much more melodious and harmonious than elsewhere. Concluding from this, music and colors take on a pivotal role in enhancing energies. On the other hand, I've witnessed the exact opposite in energetically starved or depleted homes. These are often cold and neglected places where folks have gathered and condensed so much negative energy over the years that these have almost become tangible. Arguments and hatred befall objects, residents and their pets alike, and staying there frequently or permanently bears a good chance of becoming sick as negative energies are quite likely to gradually attach to you. Over time, those heavy energy fields become encrusted and encased and are thus hard to break. Often times this hive of negativity is subliminally emphasized by disharmonious and dissonant sounds and colors. Don't forget, we aren't just what we think but also how we do so. If you feel, you are too negative in general because you bitch, argue, envy or criticize too much but would love to sincerely become a better person, why not incorporate colors in your life and start experimenting and exploring what is best for you? Also, put on some uplifting and cheerful music, and wait what happens. This together with warm and vibrant colors will defuse and weaken negative energies bit by bit. Don't expect immediate miracles though. Instead trust the difference as it will eventually be manifesting itself. Bad habits will be kicked much more easily and way more effectively, and even depression can be cured surprisingly well this way. Needless to say that negative accumulations of encrusted and enclosed energies may take a long time to dissolve and finally disappear, but anything is possible with harmonious sounds and colors, provided of course, positive change is truly desired. No doubt, we can't always drag others onto the positive side, but we can at least try and trust that some of its high contagiousness may rub off on them after all.
Having said this, I wish you all a harmonious day!


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