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Unbelievable!  Good afternoon! Last week a video went viral displaying another case of brutal and reckless bullying between a handful of 13- year old rowdies and a 68- year old female school bus monitor somewhere in Rochester in the west of New York State. This fact alone sounds unbelievable, but wait until you hear the details, which to me -as clearly as day- present actual threats even physically as well as cruel verbal harassment. The outpouring empathy worldwide was started by a Toronto resident by the name of Max Sidorov by spontaneously calling a fund raising campaign into life. Thank you, Mr. Sidorov, you truly are a beautiful spirit in a world of morons!
First, I'd like to comment on an upsetting article I stumbled across this morning by Chris Kelly.
Mr. Kelly, who gives you the right to put in words and on paper a demand as offensive as this one? You are earnestly suggesting that Karen Klein, the woman that was verbally hacked to pieces, should give 15 thousand dollars back to those who hired her for the job of a school bus monitor!
Why hold her accountable for having been put into this kind of job when we all know that it was never her but her employer's fault if you will? Since when is it our job to evaluate ourselves as to whether we are not just eligible but certainly also capable of staying in charge? All but too easy to accomplish a good job working as a school bus monitor, I guess. As a former teacher myself, let me tell you, Mr. Kelly, the world looks different from the outside.
Now to the kids involved in this particular incidence. Shame on all of you! Just like Karen, I don't care about those superficially and hastily scrambled together apologies either. It does not take a soul- searcher to sense that none of those are heartfelt but rather a panicky reaction and an alert cushion with regard to possible legal consequences. Nothing else!
And to the parents of those rotten bastards, I would like to address the following: You have clearly failed! You should be ashamed of yourselves and your offspring!
However, what is really bugging me here is the fact that I haven't heard a single word from the kids' school up to this day. What are they intending to do about all this? Are there going to be any consequences at all, or are they planning on letting things go just because fortunately school is out?
If not them, the Superintendent is clearly called upon stepping into action, don't you think so? Anyway, I, for my part, am still waiting for any reaction, any statement, just anything but continuous silence. - Karen Klein is well- advised to go and take action. Pressing criminal charges would definitely set an effective example to the juvenile predators, as nothing else will knowing that due to that kids' gloves politics in this country no action on parts of misbehaving or abusive kids ever has serious consequences. Last but not least, I do have one suggestion for Karen Klein as far as all the donations raised. Some of the money might indeed be used well and wisely in a Klein- Foundation for bullied victims. Just an idea. I certainly understand that her family comes first as to enjoy some time of financial freedom.


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