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Rural Exodus And Mass Migration (III)

Rural Exodus And Mass Migration (III) - Welcome back to my blog! - Well, it pretty much looks like our planet is on the move just once more. In fact, we are currently facing downright tidal waves of mass migration in several corners of the Earth. Besides a multitude of primarily climate related factors mentioned afore which make continued living impossible across large geographic stretches throughout the world, plenty of economically distinctly less developed nations ultimately seek their golden chance for a much better life elsewhere. All for different reasons, the politically, religiously and socially suppressed seem to be feeling the same need to finally escape their hell. Hundreds of thousands (soon tens of millions more to follow) have meanwhile started on their way to countries that are said to be much more promising and peaceful. Even if completely understandable in its own right, such is practically not feasible. Let's face it, in the majority of cases, those gigantic streams of migrants/ refugees come with lots of unsurmountable incongruities, first and foremost, due to their different creed. Furthermore, those people tend to lack the willingness and with that also the intention of compromise in regards to assimilating to the culture, traditions, laws, religion, politics, and social structures of their desired hosts. Countries, for instance, which are strictly patriarchally spirited or ruled usually show little to no respect for the female part of foreign societies. This inevitably bears and naturally evokes a high potential of conflict with the perspective of predictably resulting in an ever greater deal of issues that would altogether be easily avoidable and is therefore completely unnecessary. Why frivolously entice consequences of great severity until they finally manifest in such a vicious manner unless the goal is to not merely alter but eventually subdue, convert and lastly catapult our Western societies back into BC times? Such approach will be of no benefit to anyone, the least to our highly- advanced states targeted as the most sought- out destinations. I suppose, it is fairly legit to refer to at least 66% of all presently arriving migrants as solely contributing marginally, if at all, in terms of literacy, vocation, aptitude, talents, and skills. We in the industrial parts across the globe are impossibly capable of taking in low- profile foreigners by the millions and at the same time attempting to sustain our standard of life with a ball and chain that heavy around our ankles. In the long run, even the wealthiest of Western nations will collapse under that sort of permanent overpowering strain. No single society on this planet would possibly manage to stay afloat if it were to continuously support a certain percentage of its inhabitants which simply remains inactive within that particular country's workforce. We don't owe those under- developed peoples anything, although in a Karmic sense, it is particularly those very paradigms that are shifting to their advantage in the absence of our conscious collective recollection. Never mind, I feel that this is just not the right time to circle in on this rather controversial subject trying to unravel this special myth. However, I very well understand it as our civic responsibility to engage in not just reaching out to those uneducated folks for the sake of publicity and profit but actually in seriously offering valid help on their home soil. In other words, we need to stop promoting people's uprooting at all costs and rather aide them in their domestic spheres. Let's travel to their countries and teach them common Western democratic principles, enlighten them on women's liberation, familiarize them with standard educational and constructional concepts, and last but not least, bring peace and stability into their regions. It just does not make sense whatsoever to rip entire peoples out of their cultural, lingual, religious, political, and social environment and implant them somewhere entirely alien. Instead, we need to get neighboring countries on board as well and in a joint effort attempt to get to substantial solutions that ultimately satisfy all parties involved. It very much appears that both groups, the ones that trigger rural exodus, as well as refugees and migrants alike mostly push their way into the urban realms. This migrational movement will sooner or later lead to increasing overpopulation and thus suffocating density, extreme outbursts of aggression and violence, unseen gang rivalries, transgressions of all sorts, uncontrollable spikes in crimes, impoverishment, and lastly complete lethal chaos. In stark contrast, abandoned rural areas will quickly start overgrowing any existing solid edifice structures and gradually reclaim their original wildlife. One day, all that mankind will be left with are insanely humongous metropoles on the one hand and impenetrable jungles on the other side. What a senseless waste of either extreme!                         


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